Mayhem on Kunlun Mountain

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Bai Qian had heard more than enough from her parents, and their so called friend that instantly threw her into his 'not wanted' basket.  Still not completely over her anger with the views men held about women, to find out the Heavenly Overlord had turned her down flat even though she was a Princess of the Fox Clan was poor judgement in her eyes.  

"Well, I don't want you either, you stupid old man." she whispered very softly before quickly biting her tongue to look around.  Having just insulted the Heavenly Emperor, she did not want to risk lightening bolt punishment for her insolence.

Then seeing as the ones in the Upper Realms must not have heard her, she quickly delved into her small treasure box that held her most useful items, one of which was a magical pointer that Mi Gu had given her should she ever get lost.  The last time she had used it, was when she had run away to the Celestial Heavens to play with the fires works.  That day, she had accidentally set her fathers scrolls on fire, and the ensuing blaze had cause such a mess, that her brother Bai Zhen had commented the fire was almost as impressive as the Celestials fireworks.  So of course it was all it took to have her on a cloud and off on a trip to mayhem.

It was dark outside, but not being one who was afraid of the dark, she waited silently in bed with her eyes closed until each of her parents had come in to kiss her goodnight.  Then waiting for Bai Zhen to stick his head in the door to check on her before Mi Gu poked his head in the door as he always did before he too retired for the night.  

Deciding it would be best to wait an hour or so, she quietly sang to herself to pass the time.  Her mother had taught her many rhymes and funny songs when she was younger, but she still liked to sing them now and then.  But as she sang to herself, her mind tried to imagine what Kunlun Mountain looked like and what fun she might find when she got there.  

Her brother had told her the Disciples were all older like him, but were very serious.  They loved their lessons they received under the Heavenly Overlord, and they even trained for battle.  Bai Zhen had already begun teaching her some of their Fox Clan magic and even sword training, which she too loved, so thinking, she might perhaps take a look at their armoury when she got there as well as see what else they had to play with.

Thinking too that enough time had passed, she rose quickly before instantly taking on her fox form.  It was much easier to move about than in her human form, which felt the cold too easily and moved too slowly.  Opening the door just enough to squeeze through the gap, she quickly looked about the hallway, and seeing no lights under the other doors, she safely assumed they were all asleep, before making a mad dash through the main den and straight outside,then running to the entrance of Qing Qi, she was finally free.  

It took mere minutes, but no sooner had she passed through the small gate, she was running for the open fields, where she would catch a cloud.  Being  in fox form also allowed her to use a magic spell Bai Zhen had taught her.  Children were not normally able to catch clouds on their own, they needed adult assistance, but in her fox form, and with a magic spell at the ready, she was on a cloud in no time.  Pointing the directional twig out in front of her, she whispered her destination and before she knew it, her cloud turned sharply to the right and flew at great speed.

It was quite a distance to Kunlun Mountain but she knew she had arrived the moment the large gates came into view.  They were enormous, and though they were closed, it didn't dissuade her, in fact it merely added to the fun of the adventure.  Unable to fly her cloud directly over the gates due to a huge energy barrier that shot up into the air for miles, she lowered herself to the ground and pushed against the gate.  

Expecting it to be locked, she was pleasantly surprised to see it swing wide open which automatically had her running in.  The moon was bright in the sky and the entire entrance was lit up brilliantly and being a white fox, she too was lit up brightly, but she didn't care, she was too much in awe of the mountain in front of her.  It was enormous, and even though it was night time, she could clearly see a few windows lit which seemed to be in the clouds.

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