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20,000 Years Ago

Racing into the hut at the Peach Tree Grove, having successfully avoided Zhe Yan and his questioning gaze, Bai Qian changed out of her dress and into a more comfortable dress, one that was much lighter.  Her choice of clothing was a mix of lace and satin, that flowed gently about the body rather than figure hugging dresses and robes, that the other women her age wore, which she found to be too revealing, though she gathered that was the point, she thought snickering to herself.

But being one who preferred a more elegant yet less revealing style, she looked lovely in everything she wore.  It was late afternoon by the time she returned and now dressed more comfortably, she flopped down on the little bed that was hers when she visited the Grove, and because it was hers, Zhe Yan had allowed her to decorate it so long as it was pleasant to the eye.  Or rather pleasant to his eyes.

Not being overly girlish, the room kept its simplicity, but she did add a net canopy above the bed which added a feminine touch and the soft plush rug and soft candle light added warmth, a welcoming touch to anyone who entered.  And with a hearth added to merely add a touch of homeliness, something the Fox Den had in every chamber, she had literally created a home away from home.

Flipping over onto her stomach, her feet began to paddle excitedly against the bed as she squealed into her pillow.  Mo Yuan had been in her thoughts the entire way back, that the fluttering in her stomach had her flopping about all over the bed as she tried to put her thoughts into some kind of comprehensible order.

Dizzy with embarrassment, she could not fathom why on earth she had kissed the man.  Squealing again, she flopped back over onto her back and stared wide eyed up at the ceiling.  Cupping her red cheeks that were growing hotter by the second, she wondered if Mo Yuan was also just as giddy as she felt at that moment.

"Of course he isn't dummy.  He's probably gone back to the boring party." she sighed softly as she then wondered what it was about him that had her squealing and flipping about on her bed like an awestruck school girl.

"Who's gone back to the boring party dummy?" Zhe Yans voice suddenly cut into her mid air spin as she flopped back over to her stomach again.

He had been standing in the doorway for sometime observing her.  He knew the moment she entered the Grove that something was on her mind and it wasn't just the way she avoided eye contact, nor was it the way she fled into the hut as if a dragon was chasing her fox tails either.

It was the blush that had begun to spread from her cheeks to her neck, the way she was holding onto her stomach, the squealing and flopping about on her bed and even the goofy eyed look she was now giving him as she suddenly rose up onto the bed to gawk at him.

Walking into the room, his eyes also honed in on her aura which suddenly had him staring just as bug eyed at her.  Not only could he see the High Goddess energy beginning to swirl about in her aura, he could also see the lingering aura of a man he knew very well, one who had just entered his Grove.  

Not expecting her to answer his question, he was pleasantly surprised to see her move herself across the bed to make way for him to sit down.  The expectant look on her face was also just as telling that she was feeling new emotions she could not make sense of, and that had him wondering if he was prepared for what was coming.

"Zhe Yan, do you remember the Water Sprite, the one I used to visit all the time when I was little?" she asked as he turned his body to look down at her.

"The one who lives in one of my Rock Pools?  The Water Sprite I have yet to meet?" he asked with a small smirk and a twinkle in his eye.

"He is real Zhe Yan.  He was my best friend." she replied annoyed at the light mockery in his tone.

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