A Soldiers Return

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20,000 Years Ago.

Two weeks had passed since that evening and the memory of their conversation was as vivid to Mo Yuan as the East Seas and West Seas Kings sitting in front of him.  Unrest had broken out between the two major clans and having to deal with both leaders who were ordered to the Palace, they had both arrived unwillingly but given they needed the Celestial Heavens, both men dragged themselves before him.

Unbelievably, their spat had started over The West Seas daughters clandestine affair with the East Seas Prince who was already in an arranged marriage with a girl from the South.

"We already have a marriage alliance with each other, my sons future lies with the South in order to strengthen our ties." The East Seas King snapped at the West Seas King who glared back at him.

Their tribe was a little more liberal than his.  His daughter and his son had made it clear they were in love with each other and wished to marry, however that left the South without a marriage alliance which they too wanted.

"You have two sons do you not.  Why not allow the lovers their future and give your second son to the South?  He is still a Prince.  Your Tribe has high standing in the world, so being a second Prince should be no consequence."  Mo Yuan said gently cutting in.

It was such a silly thing to be arguing about, but the threat of war was always a concern that need to be dealt to immediately.  Though as his mind went back to every war that had ever been fought in their world, he could not help but linger on the fact that they were always caused by women, alliances and land.  This one was no different, and having successfully brought the men together to talk out their issues face to face with a mediator, he was finally making headway, and being the last port of call before the men completely lost their heads, Mo Yuan was not going to allow them to leave until they left peacefully.

He needed these two men to see sense and move forward, because for two weeks he had been stuck dealing with them when he had a clandestine affair of his own to deal with and the longer these two in front of him drew out their differences, the less patient he became with them.

But he kept his voice calm and his manner gentle as was his way, as he talked them into not only a second marriage alliance which would actually strengthen their ties, but both Tribes would benefit with the alliance with the South.

Finally after two weeks, both men raised their arms and bowed to him and then each other.  Looking towards Di Jun, he held back the chuckle that threatened to erupt,  the man had actually fallen asleep listening to their stupidity.

Not even bothering to stay for the small reconciliation meal he had already had prepared for them, Mo Yuan excused himself.  He had already lost two weeks to them, as well as an entire morning and afternoon, so giving his apologies, he left them standing in the Grand Hall with Di Jun who was completely oblivious to them.

Returning to his chamber, he threw off his Heavenly robes and put on a loose flowing gown in pastel blue, a colour he knew she liked and one that was growing on him.  


Moping about the Den, Bai Qian was growing restless with each passing day.  Since that evening with the Water Sprite, who did not return again, her stomach fluttered, the blushing continued  and her mind had her stumbling about the den as she lost herself thoroughly to her thoughts of Mo Yuan and a highly anticipated visit.

"What the hell is wrong with that girl?" Bai Zhi seethed at Bai Zhen who merely watched her enter the den before turning and walking back out again, only to return for a few seconds before walking back out again.  

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