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Chen Linong

I'm home already but still thinking about my phone. Shyness is creeping in my body, it is a natural thing to set picture of your partner as a wallpaper but that was not just a picture for me!



"Are you free on saturday?"

"Saturday? Why?"

"I just want to ask you for a favor."

"Sure. Shoot."

"I'm supposed to pick up your Tita Lucille's son in the airport but your dad called and ask me to do something. Can you go for me, then?"

"Yeah, sure. But, Who's Tita Lucille?"

"She is a friend of mine. You probably didn't remember her since you're too young back then. You used to play with her son too."

I just nod.

"Okay, just give me details mom."

"I'll ask Kun to come with you."

I was shocked upon hearing her say that.

"Mom! No need."

She crossed her eyebrows.

"I mean-- I don't wanna disturb him."

"Okay then. But tell him about that okay? I don't want some conflicts."

"Okay. Got it mom!"

I went straight to my room after my conversation with mom. I took a bath and just started to study after.


Saturday came and I'm here already at the Arrival area. Mom gave me details about tita Lucille's son she handed me a pic too. Hours later I found a guy who has the same physical attributes as in the picture I walk to him as he searched around the area also.

"Luo Zheng?"

He turned around and look at me.


"Hi! I'm Xianca's son, Chen Linong. She asks me to pick you up instead. Let's go."

I smiled after saying that.

"Ah. Where's tita Xian?"

"Dad ask her to attend something."

"Uhm, Okay. Sorry for asking but, Can we eat first?"

I laugh as he holds his tummy.

"Okay, where do you want to eat?"


I rolled my eyes, I hate to hear that answer! I decided where to eat instead. As we place our orders he doesn't look like glutton but he is one!

"Are you sure you can eat all of that?"

"That's the normal food I intake."

"No way!"

He laughs after seeing my reaction. He looks good when he smiles too. Should I introduce him with my friends? Evil smile.

"Kidding. I was just so hungry now and they all looks good and pleasant to my eyes."

I just nodded, when our orders came he dig in right away whick makes me shook my head. I agree, he is damn hungry.

I started to eat too. When suddey someone approaches us.

"Chen Linong?"

I look up to see who calls me.

"Lin Yanjun?"

He smiles then look at me and Luo Zheng.

"It's fancy meeting you here. Who's he?"

"This is Luo Zheng, Son of my mother's friend. She asks me to pick him at the airport since she can't come due to some errands."

He just sits beside Luo Zheng without notice, I am not surprise. He is known for his worst attitude sometimes.

"I'm actually with Kun. I'm going to message him to go here instead."

I looked at him shocked. What did he says? With Kun? Oh no! I'm haggard already!

I can't concetrate in eating because of the fact that Kun's coming. Minutes later he came, when he saw me he crossed his eyebrows and look at Yanjun.

"Why did you ask me to come here?"

"For us to eat, Bro! Sit down!"

"Aren't we disturbing them?"

Yanjun laughs teasingly and signed Kun to sit down which the latter follows.

"Don't be jealous Xiao Kun. He's just a friend I ask him already."

"Who says I'm jealous?"

Xukun raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, Okay no one's jealous. Fine"

Yanjun stops teasing Kun when the food came. They start eating also while we are finished already.

Yanjun pulled his phone and started typing something.

"Wow. I like your phone case."

Luo Zheng commented.

"Blue is my favorite color. It looks calm."

I look at his phone case and I was amazed at it too.

"Woah it's not natural for someone to use blue as their phone case. It's too attractive."

Yanjun laughs.

"I used to color my hair blue when I was in High school. My mom nagged at me nonstop for months."

"You sure a hardheaded one."

"Nope. I just love to break rules."

"I thought you only love to break hearts!"

I said and laugh.

"Chen Linong!"

"What? It's true! You used to flirt with Zhangjing and all. Don't you remember?"

He pouted.

"I don't!"

"Yeah right!"

"What did you like about blue?"

Suddenly Xukun ask.

"I just want it. Why?"

The three of us was confused for a moment because of his tone. It's as if we are talking about strange things.

Xukun looked at him for seconds.

"Have you ever write a love letter?"

Yanjun's faced was shocked after Kun ask that.

"What? Are you serious? Why would I write a love letter? And for whom? Why did you asked?"

Xukun just shrugged. I was wondering why would he ask that and when I realized why I immediately look at him.

Don't tell me he's doubting Lin Yanjun!?

In A Relationship With Mr. Perfect || Cai Xukun x Chen LinongWhere stories live. Discover now