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Chen Linong

Everyone's busy with their own work while me? I was just watching them. It's almost finals so everyone is cramming to take down notes and in photocopying reviewer. Haist. If they only do that while classes are on going they won't feel pressured now.

"Wow. So envious with you friend you 're not feeling rushed now."

Yang Feitong elbowed You Zhangjing and laughed after.

"You knew him. He won't let a day passed without preparing for the future."

I shook my head. Whatever they say.

"Let's review at your house today then?"

Lu Dinghao appeared out of nowhere.

"Are you done annoying Xiao Gui that's why you're here?"

He just smiled mischievously.

"You kid, you're deducting years of your life in what you're doing."

Justin shook his head after saying that.

"Whatever you say guys. So are we reviewing tonight?"

I tsk-ed. This kid really has the most annoying character within this group but we cannot do anything about it. We just love him regardless of that.

"Okay then. I'll ask mom if you can stay overnight at our house."

They cheered that caught most of our classmates attention. I signalled them to keep quiet. I don't want to invite some of our classmates because they are so annoying. They will come not because they want to learn but because they want some gossips.

I dialled my mom's number and when she picked up I asked if we can stay there. She agreed but told me to promise not to annoy my brother with our presence.

"Mom said we can stay there but we need to behave because Lou Zibo is staying with us now. We cannot annoy him. You know his temper."

"What's with your step-brother's attitude? So different with you."

Yang Feitong said crossing his arms.

"It's because of your existence!"

Lingchao said teasingly.

"Excuse you Lingchao! I'm not doing anything to him. He's just annoyed with me for no reason!"

I laughed. If they only knew the real reason. They will teased Feitong more. Nonetheless, they won't leave him alive and buried him deep.

"Then should we not bring Feitong there?"

Zhangjing added that made everyone laughed.

My phone beeps so I check who texted me.

Heard your friends are staying overnight. Would be glad if that Feitong kid is not with you. Take care!

I almost laughed reading that message from my brother. I composed a reply and sent him after.

Sorry to pop bubbles but, he is with us. You can review with us if you like It's bad to leave him outside the house. You won't like that either tho. ~~

It took some time before I got a reply from him.

I won't. That's the nicest idea you had but, no. I can't concentrate if he's there. Just make sure you won't disturb me later. Xiao.

I bit my lower lip to surpressed my laughter. He is like a kid who pushes and pull his crush. Can't decide.

"What's the matter with you, Linong?"

In A Relationship With Mr. Perfect || Cai Xukun x Chen LinongWhere stories live. Discover now