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Chen Linong

I was left alone  in the couch because JR has been called again by the guy called Ren. We had the chance to changed into dry clothes thanks God his friend, the owner of the house, lent us some.

I started to get sleepy so I stood up and went on the bar area to get something to drink. Someone called me and when I looked back I saw Yanchen approaching me. He is one of my classmates in a minor subject, plus like me he is famous because of his smile.

"Wow, fancy meeting you here!"

"Yeah. How are you?"

He put his hands on my shoulder. I look at that unconsciously.

"Always fine. Oh, You came with Kun?"

I shake my head and ask him to sit down. He followed me and he chose place where we can talk freely.

"Nope. I came with Mingjun."

"Ah yeah, I heard his mother is with your father. What a small world, is it?"

He laughs as saying that fact.

"You're right. Well, that's life, and since we cannot do anything about it why don't just play along right?"

"So why Kun's here?"

I gulped first before answering his question.

"Heard he came with Bei Honglin."

He just nodded before drinking.

"Did he dumped you?"

I cross my eyebrows because of his remarks and actually I didn't like it.

"No. What made you think that way?"

I heard my own voice full of hatred. He raised both his hands as if he knew I was mad.

"Sorry okay! I was just thinking about that starting last week, since we...  always seen them together."

He look at me seriously that made me gulped. Since last week? Is that what he is busy about? I didn't answer and just stared at my drink I heard him talk minutes later.

"He is still treating you the way he treated you 2 years ago, right?"

I just look at him and he gave me a disappointed look. "He loves me." I said with confident and that made him groan more.

"Damn that love of him, I bet you feel a lot hurt more than happiness in the past two years."

I think about that, "He changed. He is more open now--"

He stood up suddenly and look dowm on me. He shrugged.

"Just think about it, you're dating someone who you're not quite sure about what he is thinking right now. That's gambling. You're betting your whole life for that."

He excuse himself because he forgot that Zeren's waiting for him. I was again left alone there with some thinking to do. I saw Kun approaching me with Bei Honglin next to him.

"I'll drop Honglin in his home, do you want to go together?"

I badly wanted to yell at him and accused him of anything but what my body did was just stare at them both, I don't know for how long did I do that but after a few minutes I smiled at them.

"Nope. I will ask Mingjun to accompany me since we came together. Hm, excuse me I will go look for him."

"Chen Linong!"

I heard Cai Xukun called my name but I didn't bother to turn around amd face him again. I shut my eyes so hard to control my tears.

Damn. Why is this night too long for me?

In A Relationship With Mr. Perfect || Cai Xukun x Chen LinongWhere stories live. Discover now