Chapter 7

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Ginny returned to Gryffindor tower Saturday night. She climbed straight into Hermione's bed without a word. No one knew but Hermione knew the real reason Ginny had been in the hospital wing; Everyone else thought she had just been injured during quidditch practice.

Hermione was surprised by Ginny's response to the entire ordeal. She didn't cry, she didn't talk about it and by Monday she was seemingly back to her normal self. Hermione questioned her about this when they went to bed Monday night.

Ginny simply shrugged. "I can't do anything about it now. I just have to get through the school year and get on with my life."

Hermione didn't really believe that she was over such a traumatic event so quickly but she tried not to press the issue. Still, she kept an eye on her friend as much as she could. So much that Ginny felt like Hermione was smothering her.

Wednesday night Hermione was studying in the library with Draco. Ginny had practically forced her to go, insisting that she wanted some alone time.


Hermione looked up from her notes. "Yes, Draco?"

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked with a frown.

"Of course. What made you think otherwise?"

Draco snorted. "You're writing on the table."

Hermione looked down and saw that he was right. She had gone off of the parchment and was writing half of her essay on the table.

"Oh shit! Scourgify."

"Wow, Granger. That's some strong language out of you."

"Piss off," she hissed angrily.

Draco sighed. "Look. Obviously, something's on your mind. I know I'm not Weaselette, or Saint Potter, or the Weasel King."

Hermione bristled at his mention of Ron. Draco pretended not to notice and continued.

"I know I'm not your best friend, but you can always talk to me if something's bothering you."

Hermione sat back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest, studying her blonde studymate. His brows were furrowed in worry and he was nervously chewing the inside of his lip. She couldn't find any insincerity so she decided to confide in him.

She sighed. "I can't tell you exactly what's going on because it's not my business to tell. But I have a friend who had a traumatic experience recently. And this friend is acting like nothing happened! I'm worried that sh-- er, my friend is going to explode from keeping all of this bottled up."

Draco frowned and thought for a moment. "Well if that's how your friend is choosing to process things, you just have to support them."

"Even if it could end up hurting them in the long run?"

"How do you know it will hurt them?"

"Internalizing things always does," she stated simply.

"Maybe for you," he countered. "You know that all of the loss surrounding the war changed most of us. Maybe your friend has changed how they process trauma."

Hermione pondered this for a bit. "You may have a point," she conceded.

"So just be there for your friend, in whatever way they need you."

She nodded. "Thank you, Draco."

He shrugged in response. Hermione went back to her essay, this time on the parchment.



"What are you doing this weekend?"

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