Chapter 8

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"'Mione. 'Mione. Hermione wake up."

"Five more minutes mum," Hermione mumbled as she rolled over and snuggled deeper into her blankets.

"Hermione Jean Granger get your arse up right now! Malfoy is waiting outside the portrait hole for you and it's causing people to talk!"

Hermione sat up quickly and stared at Ginny with wide eyes. "He's doing what?!"

"He told me that he was taking you and me into Hogsmeade and that we'd better be ready in twenty minutes or he'll be forced to take drastic action."

"That insufferable pain in the arse! Bloody ferret," Hermione muttered as she climbed out of bed and trudged into the bathroom. She knew that if she didn't at least show her face, he was bound to do something asinine.

She brushed her teeth and hair and got dressed quickly, heading downstairs with Ginny just a few minutes later. She poked her head out of the portrait hole and he was indeed right there, casually leaning against the wall.

"Malfoy," Hermione hissed angrily causing him to look up and smirk at her. "Why are you such a pest?"

"We're back to last names again? Granger," he asked, leaning in close to flick her nose playfully.

She swatted his hand away and stepped out of the portrait hole. "What do you want Draco?"

"I told you I was taking you to Hogsmeade today."

"I believe you asked me if I wanted to go and I said that I'd think about it."

"Please Herms? I don't want to be stuck in the middle of Pansy and Blaise bickering all day! I even invited Weaselette for you!"

"Hey!" Ginny interjected. "My name is Ginny and I'm standing right here!"

Draco glanced over at her. "Okay...and?"

Ginny snorted. "He's funny 'Mione," she said dryly.

Draco grinned at her before returning his gaze to Hermione. "Please Herms? Pretty please?"

"Ugh! Fine, you child!"

Ginny tilted her head in amusement as she watched Draco and Hermione head down the staircase arguing with each other. Hermione turned back after a moment. "Coming Ginny?"

Ginny nodded and bounded down the stairs after them.

They met up with Blaise, Pansy, Theo and his latest conquest in the courtyard before heading down to Hogsmeade. Hermione noticed that Ginny stuck close to her side and really only talked to her and Draco as they walked.

"Can we go to Honeydukes first?" Pansy asked excitedly as they arrived in the village.

"You lot can," Draco said with a shrug. "I have a surprise for Hermione and Weaselette."

Pansy pouted but reluctantly headed to Honeyduke's with Blaise, Theo and Theo's date, leaving two very confused witches with Draco.

"Surprise?" Hermione inquired.

"For us?" Ginny added.

Draco smirked at the two of them and beckoned for them to follow him. "Don't look so shocked. I can be nice."

He paused at the door to the Three Broomsticks. "Although I should confess, this wasn't exactly my idea."

"What wasn't your idea?" Hermione asked.

Draco pushed open the door and walked in, ignoring her question.

Her curiosity was soon sated when she saw Harry holding Teddy at a table in the back corner with Ron and Mrs. Weasley.

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