Chapter 12

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July 1999

"Neville, this was a great idea to get everyone together again," Parvati said as she sat down next to Dean by the bonfire.

All of the surviving members of Dumbledore's Army murmured their agreement. It was summertime now and all who had returned to Hogwarts had finally graduated. Neville had rented a beach house for the evening so they could have a little reunion.

Hermione was sitting on the sand with her head resting on Harry's shoulder. Ginny was sat between Harry's legs with her back resting on his chest.

"It's so nice to have a grown-up night," Ginny whispered to Hermione. "I love Teddy dearly but I feel like he's aged me ten years."

Hermione snickered at this. "How's the Quidditch going?"

"Great! We won our match yesterday, which is the only reason I was able to come tonight."

"Who watches Teddy when you and Harry are at work?" Hermione asked, quietly.

"Sometimes Andromeda, sometimes my mum. It really depends on the week. Poor Andromeda though; Teddy prefers to be at my mum's house because he likes to play with baby Victoire."

"Is he sweet on her?" Hermione teased.

"'Mione! She's an infant!" Ginny replied with a laugh.

Harry broke away from his conversation with Neville and looked down at the two of them giggling. "What are you two laughing at?"

"Oh nothing love," Ginny said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. "I was just asking Hermione when she last saw Draco."

Hermione scowled at her best friend and sat up. "I actually saw him last week. He asked me to take him to see a muggle movie. He's actually picking me up from here soon," she said checking her watch.

"He's picking you up? Are you unable to apparate?" Ginny teased.

Hermione flushed. "No, I--"

"Well, hello Ginny Weasley," a voice slurred from above.

Harry, Ginny and Hermione looked up in surprise to see Cho Chang standing above them with a look of contempt on her face.

"Hello, Cho," Ginny replied politely as they all stood to their feet.

Off in the distance, Hermione saw a tall blonde man appear several yards away from them.

"I'll be back," she said with a grin, trying not to sprint over to Draco.

"Whoa Herms!" Draco said with a laugh, relaxing into her hug. "One might think it had been years and not days since you last saw me."

She pulled back and beamed up at him. "I've just finished this book and I've been dying to talk to you about it."

"Have I read the book?"

"I should assume so since I stole it from your library," she said cheekily.

"You little sneak--"

"Ginny come back!" Harry called after his girlfriend as she stormed into the house.

"What's going on Harry?" Hermione asked as he approached her and her blonde companion.

"Cho's drunk. She tried to kiss me and uh, you can guess what happened next."

"Oh goodness. Did she hex Cho?"

"Surprisingly no."

Hermione's jaw dropped. "Ginny didn't hex her? This is Ginevra Molly Weasley we're talking about right?"

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