Chapter 11

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"I never asked you how you liked your Christmas gift," Draco said as he and Hermione exited the potions classroom a few days later.

"What Christmas gift?"

"The one I gave you at breakfast on Christmas morning."

"Oh, that gift. I never opened it."

"You never opened it? Why not?"

Hermione scoffed as if the reason was obvious. "I was angry with you."

Draco didn't get to respond because Ginny descended on them, throwing her arms around them with a wide grin. "Hey, you two!"

"Could you please remove your arm from my shoulder, Weaselette? And what do you want? Granger and I were talking." Draco drawled lazily. Hermione found it amusing how easily Draco slipped into his old personality with anyone but her.

Ginny scowled but removed her arm. "I have a favor to ask of you Malfoy."

Both Hermione and Draco looked taken aback. "I know, I know. It's shocking to me too," Ginny said, suppressing a laugh.

"What could you possibly want from me?"

"I'm trying out for the Holyhead Harpies in a couple of months and I need someone to practice with."

Draco frowned and continued walking up the stairs. "Why not practice with your Gryffindor teammates? Or anyone else in this school who still plays Quidditch?"

Ginny snorted. "I'm sure you've noticed that our school seems to be lacking quidditch talent this year. I need someone who might actually challenge me on a broom."

"I appreciate the compliment, but no."

"Draco come on," Hermione interjected. "You've been dying to get back on a broom and you know it. You and Blaise could help her out."

"I can help who out?" Blaise asked as he met them at the top of the stairs.

"Weaselette wants us to help her practice for the Harpies Quidditch trials," Draco replied.

"That sounds like great fun!"

Ginny beamed up at him. "Thank you, Blaise. It will be!"

Draco still looked unconvinced.

"Draco please?" Hermione asked again.

"Fine," he groaned. "On one condition."

"Anything," Ginny and Hermione responded simultaneously.

"Hermy here will go flying with me sometime."

Hermione's smile fell from her face and was replaced by a fierce scowl. "Absolutely not. I do not fly on broomsticks."

"Why not?" Draco teased. "Scared someone might think you're a witch?"

Blaise and Ginny laughed but Hermione was not amused.

"Please 'Mione?" Ginny begged. "I really need the practice."

"If you promise we won't go to high, Draco."

"I promise."


"I said 'I promise'! Although I could be lying," Draco said with a wink. "What do you say, Herms?"

"Okay," Hermione replied quietly.

"Yes!" Ginny exclaimed. "Meet me down on the pitch around 7:00 pm tonight?"

Blaise and Draco nodded their agreement before Blaise and Ginny headed in opposite directions to their next classes.

"You have a free period right now don't you, Herms?" Draco asked when they were alone.

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