Chapter 14

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February 2000

Hermione sighed aloud earning her a look of concern from Ginny. She and Ginny were out to lunch in muggle London on a rainy day in late February.

"What's wrong Hermione? You've been awfully down since the holidays."

Hermione hesitated, knowing that Ginny would read more into it than necessary, but she needed to talk to someone about her troubles. "I haven't heard from Draco since the New Year."

Ginny frowned. "That's odd. You two are usually inseparable. Have Blaise or Theo said anything about it?"

"That's just it; I haven't heard from them either. I've sent them all owls, patronuses; I've even stopped by their flats and their jobs and nothing. It's so bizarre."

"I'm sure they're just busy," Ginny replied unconvincingly.

Hermione nodded.

"Anyway," Ginny said, trying to change the subject. "Have you decided what to get Ron and Padma for their baby shower?"

"I haven't decided if I'm going or not."

"What?! You have to go!"

"And why is that?" Hermione asked with a laugh.

"You know how I feel about Padma," Ginny said seriously.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"I need an ally!"

"Ginny, your entire family will be there!" Hermione replied. "Plus Harry!"

"Speaking of Harry," Ginny said with a worried expression. "Have you noticed that he's been acting a little strange lately?"

"Acting strange? In what way?"

"I don't know how to describe it exactly, but he's been...jumpy."

"Jumpy?" Hermione snickered.

"Don't laugh at me!" Ginny said, sticking her tongue out at Hermione. "I'm being serious. You live with him; Has he been acting odd at all? Or is it just around me? Do you think he's going to break up with me?"

"Oh stop Ginny. I highly doubt Harry would ever want to be without you. And what do you mean I live with him? You live there too."

"Not officially! And even if I did, I travel so much that I wouldn't be able to ascertain whether or not his behavior is constant or just around me."

"I'll talk to him and see if something's up if it will make you feel better, okay?"

"Thanks 'Mione!" Ginny squealed, reaching across the table for a hug. "You're the best."

After their lunch, Hermione headed back to the ministry when it started to rain again. "Oh, for Merlin's sake!" she exclaimed as she struggled to retrieve her umbrella from her bag. In her haste, she stopped paying attention to where she was going and ran smack into a tall man in a dark grey suit. Hermione yelped as she fell to the ground.

"I'm terribly sorry, Miss," the man said, frantically trying to help her off of the ground. "Hermione?" he exclaimed in shock.

Hermione looked up at the sound of her name. "Blaise?! Is it really you?"

"In the flesh," he replied with a sheepish expression.

She scrambled to her feet and hit him hard on the arm.

"Ouch! What the hell are you doing?"

"I have been writing you for over a month, you arsehole! Why are you lot avoiding me?"

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