Chapter 4

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By the time Hermione climbed into bed after finishing up with Draco and spending some time working on other assignments, Ginny was already sound asleep, with letters from her mum and Harry clutched tightly in her hands.

Hermione pulled her own letter from Harry out of her bag and opened it, reading it by wandlight.

Dear Hermione,

I know you've only been gone for a week but there's so much to tell you. Firstly, you need to write to Mrs. Weasley. She's asked about you at least ten times in the last hour. She says it's too quiet with all of us gone. Ron and I finally finished moving all of our things into Grimmauld Place yesterday after auror training.

Auror training is exhausting by the way. Almost as exhausting as our journeys last year I'd say. It feels so weird for you not to be here with us. Ginny told me about your dilemma with your potions partner. How is that? It can't be too awful; He seemed pretty repentant when he was on trial. Hell, we even testified on his behalf.

Anyway, none of that is nearly as important as why I sat down to pen this letter. I spoke with Kingsley the other day about your parents and it seems they have a rough lead on where they are. He said they're working on a plan to restore their memories and that he will inform you when they have a solid plan in place. I thought hearing that might cheer you up a bit.

I hope your first week went well. Write back soon.

Love from your brother,


PS Ron says hello.

Hermione chuckled to herself as she carefully folded the letter and put it in the drawer of her nightstand. She lay down and placed her cold feet on Ginny's warm calves and once again fell into a deep peaceful sleep, free of nightmares.

The weekend passed without incident as Ginny and Hermione worked on their assignments in the library with Neville and Luna sometimes joining them. Ginny was avoiding Padma like the plague and by default Parvati as well.

Monday came and soon Hermione was trudging down to the potions classroom to work on her project with Draco. She heard talking as she approached the door and stopped to listen.

"Blaise you're a bloody moron," Draco said, laughing heartily.

"What?!" Blaise responded, laughing as well. "You don't think she'll go for it?"

"Not with your reputation with girls; Absolutely not."

"And you think any girl wants to be with you given your own reputation?"

Draco stopped laughing abruptly. "My mother seems to have the perfect solution for that," he said tersely.

"Astoria," Blaise replied knowingly. "Is she here this year?"

"Who knows? And who cares. That stupid bint is so dull I would probably end myself a few days into the marriage. I've vehemently disagreed with the arrangement."

"So who will you marry? There aren't that many purebloods out there that aren't related to you and I know your parents care about that still, even if they pretend they don't."

"Father cares," Draco said bitterly. "But I don't give a fig about his opinion anymore. And besides, I'm only eighteen. I've got plenty of time to figure all that out."

They were quiet for a moment before Draco started laughing again. "Granger it's not polite to eavesdrop!" he called.

Hermione cursed herself for being so stupid; She knew Draco was a skilled legilimens. She pushed the door open and walked in with her head held high. "It's also rather impolite to read other people's thoughts."

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