Chapter 10

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"Hermione! I'm back!" Ginny called out excitedly as she entered their dormitory.

Hermione sat up with a wide grin as her friend rushed over to embrace her. "Welcome back Ginny! Did you have a good holiday? How is everyone? Tell me everything!"

"It was wonderful to be home! Everyone is just swell; They all missed you of course. Mum was terribly disappointed by your absence. She insists that you come for an extended visit when school lets out. You should see how big Teddy's gotten 'Mione! He's started calling me mummy which was a bit jarring at first but also incredibly endearing. I do feel a bit guilty about the whole thing, and sad--"

"Slow down Gin!" Hermione said with a laugh. "You're talking so fast I can barely keep up."

Ginny smiled sheepishly and put her things down by her bed. "Sorry. I know I wasn't gone long but it feels like I haven't seen you in ages! Promise me when we get out of this prison that we'll see each other as often as possible."

"I promise."

"Good. Now, how were things here?"

Hermione's smiled dimmed a bit and she sighed. "Things were fine until Christmas."

"What happened at Christmas?"

"I don't know. The break started out great! I was splitting my time between Neville and Luna and Draco and Blaise. Although, being around Neville and Luna made me feel like a third wheel. Anyway, I upset Draco on Christmas morning and he hasn't talked to me since."

"What? Why? What did you do?"

"You know, to be honest, I'm not quite sure. I wanted to do something nice for him for Christmas since he couldn't go home because of the conflict with his father and he had mentioned to me before that he used to enjoy sledding with his mother when he was a child.

"So I surprised him with a new sled and planned to spend the day sledding with him, Blaise and Theo. And afterward, I thought we might read together in the library."

"I'm not seeing how you upset him," Ginny said, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Me neither! But he took one look at the sled and said that I don't know him." Hermione sighed. "I thought we had made progress as friends but I guess not."

"I'm sure there's more to the story 'Mione. Although it does sound like he was being a right prick."

"Yes, he was," Hermione said with a small laugh. "But that's not exactly out of character for him is it?"

Ginny nodded her agreement as they giggled.

"Anyway, I want to hear more about your trip home. Uh, how is Ron?"

"Ugh, don't get me started," Ginny groaned. "He brought his new girlfriend over for New Year's Eve."

"You don't like her?"

"No, just the opposite! She seems like a wonderful girl. But there must be something wrong with her, otherwise, she wouldn't be dating my git of a brother."

"Hey! I dated your 'git of a brother'!"

"And you quickly realized how idiotic that was," Ginny replied with a laugh.

"That's true. Well, I'm happy for him. I'm glad that he's been able to move on," Hermione said seriously.

"You only say that because you have Draco now." Ginny wriggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Hermione snorted. "I do not have Draco. We're just friends for the hundredth time! Or we were friends."

"Don't say it like that 'Mione. I'm sure you're still friends; You just need to talk to him."

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