Cornered by Carnage:

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Readers Pov: 1st person.

You really weren't feeling like the sharpest tool in the shed.

You were reminded of this fact by the loud cackles of sickening excitement close behind you.

"Well this is just fucking fantastic..."

You thought angrily to yourself.

God why did you have to have morals?

You quickly turned a corner onto the next street, hoping to evade the maniac.

"Where are you goin, baby?! We could be having so much fun! Hahahahahaha!"

("Oh hell no." )

Carnage Pov: 3rd person

"I'm almost there lovely, wait for me!"

Carnage hummed.

Well sort of.

It was more of a flirty growl.

The woman turned a corner, obviously in an attempt to shake her persuer, Obviously.

Like she would lose him so easily.

Eventually Carnage had managed to corner you at the end of a nearby alleyway.

Narrators Pov:

You gasped and whipped around.

A dead end.

Well fuck.

Carnage stepped closer to you with a wicked grin.

"My, my what do we have, here? Whats a little thing like you doing out here all alone?"

You practically hissed at him.

"Get the fuck away from me."

Carnage cackled.

"Now, now thats not a very good way to treat someone, now is it?"

He swatted you closer to the entrance of the alleyway, you landed on your stomach with a soft oof.

Carnage's laughter echoed in your ear's as he thudded closer.

"This is it..."

You thought.

"This is how I'm gonna die..."

Your eyes scanned your surroundings, desperately to find something.

They landed on something right above your head.

A ladder.

An escape one at that.

It was to climb onto the building from the alleyway

However it wasn't all the way down, half of it was still latched.

Thats when you got an Idea.

It wasn't the best Idea but hey, you weren't planning on dying anytime soon so...

You gripped your purse tightly waiting for him to get close enough.

God please work.

The moment carnage stood under the ladder you whipped around and threw your purse, hitting the ladder above.

It actually unlatched.

It wasn't enough to hurt Carnage, but it shocked him enough to where you were able to push him away and begin your climb up the ladder.

Your adrenaline had kicked in and you had almost made it to the top when you heard an angry howl.

It was carnage and he was beyond pissed.

You had just managed to make it to the top of the building when he started to come after you once more.

"Get back here, you bitch!!!"

Yeah, no.

You were already running across the rooftop.

You'd have to jump across or would be ripped to shreds by a pissed Carnage.

You built up speed and squinted your eyes shut before making the leap.

You rolled several times as you landed on the hard cement rooftop of the building. Your knees were skinned but you still managed to stand before a hand came down on the back of your neck.

It forcefully turned you around, and you came face to face with an angry looking symbiote.

"And where do you think your going?"

He hissed angrily.

He brought you close to his face.

Suddenly you felt angry, growling at him.

"Fucking home you asshole, all I was trying to do was go home. Then you come along thinking you can just kill people for fun, and I was going to let you take away another innocent life."

Carnage cackled with amusement.

"Oh look at little miss saviour, here. You think I actually care whether their innocent or not? Please honey, in this one is."

Carnage raised his hand, preparing to slice through you.

You squinted your eyes shut.

Carnage giggled.

"Not so high-and-mighty now, are we?"

His hand was webbed shut.

"How about you pick on someone your own size, for a change?"


He he swung down, slamming both feet into Carnages torso sending the Alien flying back a couple of feet on the roof.

"Well, well if it isn't your friendly neighborhood spiderman. I'm going to enjoy making decorations of your insides."

"Yeah well sorry bub, I'm not feeling all that festive!"

Spiderman joked.

Carnage was about to lunge forward, when red and blue lights filled the air, along with sirens.

"Oh and I hope you don't mind, I also got some friends to crash the party."

Carnage roared angrily, barely dodging the mirage of bullets that were fired at him, easily leaping off the building and disapearing into the night.

"Y/n!" Spiderman called running over.

"Y/n! Are you alright?!"

You looked down at yourself.

Your hair was a mess from running, one sleeve of your jacket had torn at the shoulder, your hands and knees were skinned, and at some point during the chase you'd lost both heels.


You thought.

"Im totally fine."

You thought about saying it out loud but you decided maybe now of all times wasn't the best to use sarcasm.

"Yeah, physically." You muttered.

Spiderman nodded.

"It's understandable. Hold on, I'm gonna talk to the police chief, then I'll take you home, okay?"

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now