A killer past: part 2

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"Now where to begin...?"

You didn't say anything as he released your throat.

You stood frozen watching the red-haired man ponder for a few moments.

"Hmmm....I guess you could say it all started when I was little..." He mumbled.

You tilted your head and took a step closer despite feeling that you should keep your distance.

"What did?"

Carnage turned and looked directly into your eyes making you shudder.

"My first killings, of course!"

He broke in maniacal laughter and you resisted the urge to shrink back.

Wait a minute...

You remembered a psychology class you'd taken in highschool.

(Slips on glasses and opens book XD)

Most convicted murderers, psychopaths, and sociopaths had a few things in common.

Was Cletus a psychopath or a sociopath?

Knowing the answer may help you escape.

You dug around in your mind in an attempt to remember.

Sociopaths aren't born murderers.

They had to go through a form of trauma that would turn them into one.

Psychopaths on the other hand are just born with these traits and if Cletus was one then....well you were screwed.

Wait a minute....

You thought.

You took a deep breath and spoke.

"When you were little? Why so young?"

You questioned honestly.

Cletus turned to you, his smile turning into a frown.

"What do you care?"

"I just wanted to know....about you."

You mumbled softly stepping closer, making sure to come in at his side so he wouldn't notice how close you were or become alarmed.

If he was a sociopath maybe you knew how to deal with him.

Most sociopaths you could describe as "sore losers." Many sociopaths after past trauma begin to loathe others and generally murderous ones have specific targets. A sociopathic man who may of had bad luck in relationships may target women.

Many sociopaths can be tricked however......

When someone who's never had friends or relationships just gets a little attention, they generally will suck up as much as they can get subconsciously.

So if you could just make Cletus think your interested in him......It may just work.

Although you were actually curious about his past so it was worth a try.

"What happened when you were little? Did you have a bad childhood?"

Cletus scoffed.

"Trust me, It was more than just "bad" sweetheart."

You quietly sat on the floor criss cross applesauce, looking up at him, face in your hands.

You were making yourself appear smaller, hopefully making him feel like he had power over you.

You couldn't remember all the different things to do, to deal with a sociopath but hopefully you remembered enough.

Cletus quietly peered down at you.

He sighed.

"Your really wanna know, huh?"

You gave your best puppy dog eyes.


He chuckled and sat next to you, holding his chin in his hand.

"Well you see love....I wasn't ever really wanted."

"What do you mean?"

Cletus shrugged.

"Well you see good ole' dad loved his whiskey to much, he got drunk one night and forced himself on my mother and well.....Ta-dah here I am!"

You tilted your head questionably.

"So what happened?"

Cletus chuckled darkly.

"You see, ma didn't like me that much, said I shoulda never been born, that she should've gotten an abortion, anything she could, to let me know she didn't like me, nor she ever would."

He paused, grinning evilly.

"She had a dog named Fifi, she loved more than me. A. Fucking. Dog."

You didn't say anything, listening intently.

"What about it?"

"She loved a goddamn dog more than her own son! I got the shit beat out of me all the time for no reason and yet she never laid a hand on the dog! It's alright though, I atleast got to enjoy watching her get a little karma when good ole' dad would get drunk and beat the shit outta her. But she'd always blame me for it anyways and I'd get my ass kicked some more. It was a cycle really."

He switched hands.

"Finally one day, After screaming at me about some more shit, she went right back to cooing at the goddamn dog. I'd just had enough. I was done not even being treated like a human being, like a lowly pile Shit."

"So what did you do?"

Cletus grinned maliciously.

"Oh...well I took the stupid dog to the basement and killed it with a powerdrill."

You shuddered.

"Poor puppy...."

"What happened next?"

Cletus growled.

"Oh she came downstairs when she heard the yowling. She saw the dead dog, and started to strangle me, screeching the usual about how I should have never been born and how she was going to kill me. Eventually she started to squeeze my throat and Everything was starting to go blurry. Before I could pass out, the hands were gone and I was on the floor. Pa had walked in on my mother trying to kill me, and beat her to death. I remember taking some pleasure in hearing her screams, and knowing she was probanly getting the shit beat outta her for this one. She died and my dad went to jail for murder."

You were frozen. Holy fuck this guy had a fucked up childhood.

"What happened to you afterwards."

He scowled visibly.

"They sent me to that hellhole, they call an orphanage."

You looked at the floor.

"I'm....I'm sorry Cletus."

He looked up at you confused.

"And what do you got to be sorry about, dollface?"

"You didn't deserve any of that....you were a little boy."

Cletus was shocked and didn't know how to respond.

Honestly you were the first to react to his story with pity.

"Well I'm still alive aren't I, Doll?"

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now