Oh dear...

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(So many dirty jokes in this chapter😂😂😂😂 you've been warned.)


Cletus mumbled in disbelief, stepping closer.

"I think I might be pregnant."

"Why do you think...?"

You sighed softly.

"Well....My periods really late and I think I have morning sickness...not to mention we never really used protection, Cletus..."

Cletus glanced out of the window, before looking back at you.

"Well- Y/n?? Y/n, what's wrong?"

You had started to cry softly.

"I-I'm sorry..."

Cletus furrowed his brows pulling you close.

"For what????? You shouldn't be sorry about this...you should be happy."

You looked up at Cletus in confusion.


Cletus sighed, picking you up before carrying you to the sofa.

"Y/n.....you know your the best thing to ever happen to me, right?"

Your cheeks flushed pink, and you looked down at the couch cushion.

"I've always wanted children. So I don't know why your upset."

"Your......your not mad?"

Cletus chuckled, smoothing your damp hair.

"Of course not....and even if I was, it takes two to tango, Cutie."

Cletus teased with a wink.

You started to smile but faltered.

"But...what about-"

"Let worry about Spidey-boy. I've got everything under control."

You finally gave in with a sigh.

"Okay.....but we still don't even know whether or not I am pregnant, Cletus."

Cletus nodded.

"We'll go pick some tests up."

Cletus squeezed you tightly for a moment.

You snuggled into his neck before pulling away, Grinning broadly.


"Oh my god.....'Two to tango' Cletus, Really?"

"Well, what the hell else did you expect me to call it?"

"I don't know....sex maybe?"

Cletus grinned.

"But thats no fun....and that wouldn't have made to smile. And Hey, I could've used even worse slang."

You giggled, shaking your head.

"Oh reaaally.....like what?"

Cletus's grin grew even wider then before.

"I could've said 'Hanky Panky' or 'bedroom rodeo'....you know, the works..."

You rolled your eyes.

"Yes...I guess you could call it rodeo what with the way I tame the beast."

You said with a wink.

"Hmm...I don't know how I feel about Beast tamer...You can't tame Carnage."

You scoffed turning towards him.

"Oh and what would you call me then."

Cletus pulled you up to stand, whispering mischeviously in your ear.

"I'd prefer 'Snake charmer.'"

You gasped, slapping his chest.


Cletus wagged his finger and pointed to your stomach.

"Ah-ah-ah....they're might be children present."

"Urgh....Cletus Kasady...behave."

"Me? Behave? Do you know who I am woman?"

You smiled and turned to walk away before stopping and glancing back at Cletus.

"Yes I'm aware darling, but Frankly I don't give a damn."

"Did you....did you just-?"

"Hell yeah I did."

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now