A killers past: Part 1

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You sat with your back pressed against the cool brick wall.

How long had it been?

A few days perhaps.

You finally understood why Carnage hadn't even bothered to tie you up.

There weren't any windows and the door was dead-bolted shut. It was a thick metal dorn with iron hinges.

No way in hell you could break it down.

You shuddered quietly, imagining how many pthers had been down here before you, 100% percent sure atleast a handful of people had been down here before you.

And were all likely to not to be alive anymore.

Cletus came in occasionally to drop off food.

Each time the heavy door opened you dreamed of running to freedom.

Not likely to happen, considering exactly how well you outran carnage the first time.

If Peter hadn't of came when he did, Carnage would have sliced you to ribbons.

Your thoughts froze as you heard that ever familiar creaking of the heavy metal door.

"Well hello there sweet thang, how're you today, hm?"

You stood and started to back away.

"C-Could be better."

Cletus looked taken aback but started grinning.

"Oh so little miss rebel is actually starting behave like a good girl, now?"

He took your chin between his fingers.

You shuddered at his cold finger tips, afraid to resist.

"Honey~ why so quiet now? What happened to that fiesty little thing on the street, hm?"

You couldn't take it anymore.

You whispered softly, pulling out of his hand.

"Why haven't you killed me?"

Your voice shook as you spoke.

Cletus's smirk slowly dissapeared.

"You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong or you might just lose it. It's not really any of your business now is it?"

The anger slowly started to build up inside of you.

"None of my business?!!!"

You shouted angrily.

"Incase you may have forgotten, I'M KINDOFF THE ONE YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED, YOU ASSHOLE!!!!"

Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, and your face was flushed.

Cletus growled.

"I'd watch your tone, If I were you."

You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah but your just gonna what, kill me eventually anyways right?"

You scoffed sourly at him.

He didn't say anything.

"Yeah, thats what I thought, so how about you just get the fuck off that high horse, and tell me exactly why the hell you brought me here."

You turned around only to be slammed into a nearby wall.

If looks could murder you'd be dead by now.

Cletus had you pinned against the wall by your throat.

"Now listen here you bitch, I don't care how pretty that little face of yours is, you are not allowed to talk to me that way. Now you'd better watch the whore mouth of yours or next time I won't be so leniant. Understand?"

You gasped for breath, but nodded.

He released your throat.

"Now where to begin..."

In love with a psycho: Spiderman-Carnage x readerWhere stories live. Discover now