Chapter Ten

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Marcel decided to walk home from school instead of riding with Harry. He thought the walk would be good for him, and he couldn’t get Niall Horan out of his head. He wondered how a pack with no record could even have an advisor or know what one is. Marcel was so lost in thought that he didn’t pay attention to the car that drove up beside him.

            “Hey, Marcel. Do you need a ride?” It was none other than Caledonia Harkin. Marcel smiled at her, he knew that in the future she was going to be a bigger part of his life so he should get better acquainted with her.

            “Umm, yeah, sure.” He tells her, and she smiles unlocking the door.

            “Harry to busy twatting about to give you a ride?” She asks him, playfully. Marcel chuckles, buckling his seatbelt.

            “No, I said I wanted to walk, but a ride is nice.” He tells her. He watches the familiar trees, and roads pass. He tells her his address, and she says she lives near him, apparently. After a moment of silence, Caledonia speaks.

            “So what’s the deal with you and Zayn?” She asks. Marcel raises an eyebrow at her.

            “What do you mean?” He questions, surely she had recognized the alpha-advisor bond.

            “Like, no offense, but he’s all tattoos and trouble, and you’re all hair-gel and sweater vests.” She says.

            “I do not wear sweater vests.” He tells, and she laughs.

            “You know what I mean. What’s the deal. I mean your brother looks like he could run with Zayn, but you seem innocent in a way.” She tells him. Marcel chuckles.

            “I am not innocent.” He tells her with faux anger. Caledonia has to laugh.

            “Please, Mars, you are the love child of puppies and rainbows.” She says. She is paying attention to the road, but is stealing glances at Marcel out of the corner of her eye.

            “I am his advisor.” Marcel tells her causally. Caledonia wrinkles her eyebrows in confusion.

            “What does that mean?” She asks, curiously. Marcel has to gape at her.

            “You don’t know what an advisor is?”, Caledonia shakes her head no, “It’s like someone who gives advice, keeps records, makes appointments, stuff like that.” Marcel tells her.

            “So what you’re like his secretary or some shit?” Caledonia asks, pulling into his driveway.

            “Some shit.” He tells her. “Thanks for the ride, Caledonia.”

            “Anytime, Styles.”

            All the way home, Cal thinks about what the non-annoying Styles twin told her. She wonder what an advisor was, she thinks she remembers briefly hearing Louis say that word before, but she can’t be sure.

  When she gets home, Caledonia decides that she will go for a jog. She loved being outdoors and the woods seemed to be calling to her. She ran upstairs and dumped her backpack on her bed, and changed into some workout clothes. She laces up her pink Nikes, and heads out the door. Cal leaves a note on the table telling whomever comes home that she is will be back in about an hour, she puts in her headphones and goes. Caledonia notices a small trail that runs from her aunt’s house into the woods, so she decides to follow it.

            She’s about fifteen minutes into her run, when she hears a loud sound behind her. Cal doesn’t think anything of it (she’s panting pretty hard, she hasn’t ran since before the fire and all the binge eating and drinking hasn’t helped) and continues on her way. She realizes she needs to stop to catch her breath and she hears the same noise again. Only this time, she turns to look and she feels the scream die in her throat.

            Surrounding her are four of the hugest wolves she has ever seen. They are roughly the size of horses, and she can feel their gaze on her. One is an off white color, one is chocolate brown, one is red, and the last one is a light brown. The chocolate brown wolf starts slowly approaching her, and she swears it is smirking at her. She tries to remain standing because she absolutely refuses to fall to her knees in front of a wolf. Caledonia’s breath is ragged and she looks directly at the wolf. She notices that the wolf has green eyes, and she finds it odd, and it has hate in its eyes. It begins to growl at her, and with all her courage, she doesn’t break eye contact. She feels that if this wolf is going to kill her, she will die with some dignity. (Frankly, she’s grateful that she hasn’t pissed her pants yet.)

            Just when she thinks the wolf is going to attack, she hears the loudest roar. She, along with the other wolves, look to see a pitch black wolf standing on hill above them. When the other wolves are distracted, she finally runs as fast as she can in the other direction.

            “You fucking idiots!” Zayn roars at his pack. They had picked up Caledonia scent, and thought it would be funny to chase her.

            “We just wanted to see what she would do.” Josh says, innocently. Zayn feels his face go red, and he opens his mouth to speak before Marcel cuts in.

            “Do you know how reckless and irresponsible that was?! This girl obviously knows nothing about us or shape shifter and you dumbasses just wanted to make her piss her pants!” Marcel was fuming, he expected this kind of behavior from Ed or John, but not Josh or Harry. Despite being a prankster, Harry was respectful of the rules.

“Mars..” Harry tried to say. He hated when Marcel was mad at him, and right now, Marcel was livid.

            “Don’t Mars me!” Marcel spit out. Zayn was surprised at his advisor. Marcel always had such a cool head, and never yelled, especially at Harry.

            “Umm Sir?” Ed timidly asked. Zayn snapped his head up at his ginger friend.

            “What?” He asked.

            “Did you happen to notice what direction Caledonia ran in?” Ed says, shyly. Zayn’s eyes began to widened.

            “Shit.” He said. He tried to ran after her, but hadn’t even moved his foot before Marcel stopped him.

            “No, you can’t follow her. Do remember what happened last time you ran into Summer’s territory?” Marcel tells him.

            “They could kill her!” Zayn spits. Marcel shakes his head.

            “No they won’t. They don’t kill people, Zayn.”

            “They’re vampire, it’s what they fucking do!” Zayn yells. He stops struggling in Marcel’s arms because deep down he knows he’s right. Michael and his dumbass family wouldn’t kill anyone, they drank animal blood from wine glasses for fuck sake.

            “If she isn’t at school tomorrow, I will rip Ashton to dust, and make Luke watch.” Zayn tells Marcel, who nods. A strange mark on one of the trees catches Marcels attention, but he soon focuses back on Zayn.

            “She’ll be fine, I promise.” Marcel tells him, and Zayn just nods. 

Princes and Princesses: Thank you to anyone reading. Please leave your comments. 

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