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» Rated R «

TALIA WAS CURRENTLY SITTING in the passenger seat of Gianna's car, the two heading their way towards the school. "So why did you save me? Are we friends or something?" Talia asked the hunter who had her eyes glued to the road. "Not friends, but allies." Gianna sternly states.

"Why?" The young witch asked. "That dark bitch wants to kill you so bad that she took my clan. If you want your freedom and I want my clan back, we need to work together and kill her." Talia agreed with her. "We need all the help we can get. My grandmother is coming back with help—"

Gianna let out a laugh. "Really? How can you be sure because from what I heard, Sapphire killed everyone from your world." Talia shook her head, "Not everyone. My grandmother Fiona, Nora, Ashton, and Void, they're still alive."

Gianna bit her lip. "Ahh, Void. He is the Nogitsune right? Or should I say sorcerer now?" Talia nodded her head. "Yeah, he is." Their conversation was cut short when they arrived at the school. The two entered the brick building, running through the halls. The sound of a growl, an alpha's growl filled their ears. They came up to the boy's locker room to find Scott standing over a girl's unconscious body, his eyes glowing crimson red. "Are you okay?" She asked with concern in her voice. Scott slowly nodded his head, his eyes changing back to their normal dark brown.


Talia closed her locker as she held her books in her arms. "Hey I need your help." She turned her head to see Scott standing there. "What is it?" She asked, slightly worried by his tone. "Liam's missing and I have a feeling that I know who took him." He then grabbed her hand and pulled her with him. "Come on..."

In the corner of her eye she could see Gianna standing at the end of the hallway. "I'm sorry Scott but I have my own problems to deal with. Can you do this on your own?" Scott wanted to tell her that he needed her but from the look in her eyes he knew that this was important to her. He nodded his head and before she could run off he grabbed her wrist and crashed his lips against hers. Talia nearly gasped but kissed back. "I love you..." He muttered against her lips.

She pulled away from their kiss and smiled at him. "I love you too." The young witch took off, heading towards the professional hunter, leaving the true alpha standing in the middle of an empty school hallway.

"What is it?" Talia asked as she and Gianna walked out of the school. "I have some hunters that will help us in this war."

"I thought they are all on Sapphire's side?" Talia reminded but Gianna shook her head. "I still have some loyal people, people that I've known since I was a child." The two girls then approached her car, seeing another three black SUVs next to it with around a dozen people in total. One of the men nodded their head towards the hunter. "Gianna..."

They all piled into their vehicles and started driving off, leaving Talia very confused. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Someplace where we can talk in private. Sapphire probably has hunters all over Beacon Hills to keep an out for you."

The rest of the car ride was silent until Talia saw that they were arriving at a club. "What is this place?" She asked. "My clan's command center." Gianna answered before stepping out of the vehicle, along with Talia and the other dozen loyal hunters.

They entered the club, only to find it empty. "I guess it make senses for it to be empty since it's daylight outside." Talia thought to herself. She followed Gianna and the other hunters as she pulled a latch that was on the floor, next to the bar counter. She stepped down into the basement, Talia's eyes widening in awe when she entered a large room that had a council table and chairs in the center of it. They all took their own seat and Talia stared at Gianna who sat across from her. "So what is it that you needed me to talk about."

From Lovers To Strangers » Scott McCall [3] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now