Move like a 'JEAGER'

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It's an odinary day for the dance club. Nothing new.

The competition now ended with Woojin 'the King of moves' and Daniel 'the Quarterback' match. I know, the names suck don't judge me. As always the King still holding to his throne, he won the battle.

Loud cheers and clapping can be heard till outside the extra large room.

"As always, our leader!!"


"You guys did well!!"

"Now kiss!!"
-ignore that, it just someone that really like shipping-

The two main attractions are now shaking their hands after their best to show what they got. "You did great Woojin-ah~" says Daniel.
"You as well hyung, it's worth it that I choose you to join the team"

"hehe, next time I'll defeat you and get the prize~"

"Prize? What prize I never said anything about giving you a prize?"

"Aish, leader-nim you had said it last week that you'll gave someone a prize when they defeated you in dancing, do you remember now?"

Woojin place his hand on his chin, having a flashback to last week. Then he snaps his fingers when he remembered it. "Ahh, yes! I remember. I said who ever defeat me will get the prize, and if I still the winner I will get the prize instead. "

Jaehwan is really curious about the prize so he asks him, "hey Jin, what's the prize?"


"Oh come one, tell us! Maybe you oh-so-called-prize will lift our mood to defeat you?"

"Hmmm" once again Woojin goes back to his thinking pose while smirking that his snaggletooth visible.

"Please~~" all of them said. Hands clapsed together, pouting and wided their eyes the technique that Daehwi always use when he want something literary to everyone and it's work everytime.

In this case they look like a straydog for Woojin.

Please bold the word. FAILED!!

But whatever, Woojin decided to tell them so they can work their skills more.

"Fine, fine. Stop with your suppost-to-be-puppy-face, it's disgusting"


"The prize is........."

Everyone getting closer to Woojin, can't hide their exitment. Hey, Woojin is rich people remember? His prize must be expensive or really limited edition.

"The prize issss...."

"Is is is is isss"

"Come on Woojin don't play with us!" Donghan stops their leader's tease.

"Hehe, alright, alright. A kiss from Daehwi, that's the prize"

Yup, the prize is really limited edition.

"WHAT!!" Daehwi who's comfortably chatting with two handsome men -Jonghyun and Minhyun- shout. Aish this snaggletooth, he just want to enjoy spending time with those two attractive men, now he ruins it. Aish.....what a bummer..

"YESSS!!!" All of the men shout and fists in the air.

"Only on the cheek, nothing more"

Their smiles turn to frown, clearly displeased with Woojin's recent statment. "Awwwwwwwww"

"Why me~~" Daehwi whines.

"So it's become more fun, baby~" Woojin winks, his infamous smirk untill his snaggletooth visible appear on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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