Mary Sue

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1 The Mary Sue.(or Gary Stu)

Out of all the cliches in the world this one bothers me the most.

In case you don't know what a Mary Sue is it's a poorly written female main character who has little to no personality. She stays exactly the same as she was in very beginning of the book so she doesn't learn anything or grow as a character in some way.

Her only notable flaws are clumsiness or stubbornness which seem to benefit her more than I don't know, hold her back or teach her a lesson about herself.

She's usually good looking so either everyone LOVES her or HATES her.

She might have a tragic back story but that in no way affects her nonexistent personality.

Lastly you can't have Mary Sue who isn't good at everything she tries with no failures! Because who needs weaknesses when you can have the perfect braindead bitch the dumb love interest gets to fuck?!

Sorry if that was a little much, but I think you get the my point; Mary Sues don't develop positively or negatively, they just stay the same and regardless if they have a tragic backstory or everyone hates her, she doesn't have any other problems that real people face.

Now this is a basis of what a Mary Sue is. Btw a Gary Stu is just the male version of what a Mary Sue is.

Sadly this character type appears a lot in fan fiction. That's why I try not to read fan fictions, they just don't feel the same as watching or reading the action show/movie or book and they have to always add Mary Sues!

One time I saw a Mary Sue in an action book with a crap ton of views. In fact, the entire book was saturated with Mary Sues, and Gary Stus!

They all were all just perfect little cookie cutter characters copied and pasted from other forms of media with some shred of an original personality cut. Who needs good characters when you have followers who will read anything you dish out?!

Well, I've had enough of Mary Sues and Gary Stus for today. Thanks for reading, and feel free to share any of your experiences with a Mary Sue and or Gary Stu in the comments.

Until next time!

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