1. "What have I done?"

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Welcome to the first chapter, I hope you like it! ~alex


Near the external gates of Camelot a hooded figure swiftly rides past two guards on a solid black stallion. He ignores the guards calls as he rides through some of the outer villages. Even though he couldn't see them, he could feel some of the villagers curious, yet worried eyes cutting into him. The figure adjusted the hood on his navy blue cloak and continued on. He knew that word would get to King Arthur before he made it to the gates, they would probably have a small army ready for him at the front steps. The young man smiled at this, Arthur always was a little overkill. He quickly dropped his smile as he rode past the next two guards. They looked slightly more alert but they did not try to interfere with him.

He kept riding, occasionally petting his horses neck or peeking out from under his cloak, the hood shielded most of his face from onlookers. He wanted to make an entrance that would be remembered, even if he wouldn't be there to remember it. The young man knew that this wasn't a friendly call, Morgana has been attacking recently, and she has developed an army of sorcerers. They have been sending in mythical creatures to try to destroy the citadel. Just because he was banished from stepping foot inside this kingdoms borders, doesn't mean he stopped watching all together. By the time the figure arrived at the next guard post they had blocked off the path with their spears, creating an X shape over the entrance.

"Reveal yourself!" One of them yells. The hooded figure just frowns and his eyes glow gold from underneath the hood. Slowly, the spears start to move back to create enough room for him to ride by, the guards faces fill with fear. The man's calm façade falters but he continues on, he never wanted to be feared. Once he is passed them his eyes stop glowing and the guards are able to move again. Now, word would travel faster, he might even need to avoid being killed. The figure scoffed and rolled his eyes, just another normal morning in Camelot.

By the time he passed the final gates before the citadel the warning bells sounded. The young man sighed and continued on a little slower. After all these years of being alone he was about to face the man that sentenced him to permanent isolation. By the time he reached the citadel's gates his horse was slowed to a walk, his hood was covering everything except for his mouth and neck. Inside the main square stood a small army of soldiers, including all of the remaining knights of the round table and a couple newer knights. The figure smiled and stopped his horse a few feet in front of them. He swung his leg over to his side and stepped down from the saddle. He was greeted by two pairs of hands on each arm and a sword on his back. He shifted his hood lower on his head and smiled a little, so far everything was going to plan.

He used his magic to reach out and see who was dragging him into the castle. Gripping onto his left arm was Sir Gwaine, on his right was Sir Leon, and the one holding the sword was one of the new knights, Sir Samuel. He grinned when he felt Gwaine and Leon's calming presences, he was glad that they were okay. He never got to find out who had lived after the battle. While being dragged through the corridors the figure was hit with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. He never realized how much he missed these halls, the familiar faces of the servants, the crude cook, it was all coming back to him at once. He had to stop himself so he wouldn't start to cry, he couldn't give away who he was just yet. This had to be perfect.

Finally, he was standing outside of the familiar doors of the throne room. He wondered what would be on the other side. Was the round table still there? Was Guinevere sitting next to Arthur on the thrones, smiling and holding hands because they made it? Had Arthur replaced him? The young man scolded himself at the last thought, of course he had, it's been over five years since he set foot in this kingdom, he probably has George serving him now. He was brought out of his thoughts by the doors being shoved open and him being dragged in. Once he was near the feet of the thrones he was shoved onto his knees, the sword still on his back. That's a new feature, the man thought, maybe it's because he's a sorcerer. He'll have to remember to ask if he gets the chance. He felt Sir Gwaine and Leon's presences leave his sides, probably going to stand with the rest of the knights. Suddenly, King Arthur's feet entered his line of sight. The man looked up, still under the cover of his cloak, fear washed over him as he remembered the last time that he knelt here. It was right before he was banished. Shaking his head slightly he shoved those thoughts down, this was not the time to get emotional.

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