Plaaaay Time~

316 18 4

Prussia was on the ball in less than 1.4 seconds. He bolted towards the ball with England close behind him.

"Oh crap!" I yelled alarmingly, also

running towards the ball.

"Oh maple." Canada responded, chasing after the ball.

Prussia made it to the ball and was running into our side of the field with it, Germany blocking his way.

"Kesesese, no one can beat zhe great Prussia!" he declared before kicking it over to England who had made it behind Germany.

"Dammit!" I cursed.

England dribbled the ball forward and kicked it passed Japan. "Take that you wankers!" England yelled in triumph as the ball made it towards Prussia. With one swift movement, Prussia sent the ball flying towards the net. Italy, our goalie, yelped as the ball zoomed passed him and into the net.

Prussia's whole team cheered, with him throwing a fist pump to the air. "That's, like, one goal for their team!" Poland spoke into the microphone.

"Told jou no one can defeat mein awesomeness! SUCK IT LOSERS!!!!!" Prussia gloated.

"Oh whatever albino." I retorted before turning to Poland: "Can I get three minutes with my team?" I asked.

"Sure girlfriend!" he winked.

I sent him a grateful smile before turning to my huddling team: "Okay, I got a plan that might be crazy enough to work: Germany's position is gonna be nearest to our goal, Japan can be midfield, and Italy and I will be the closest to the Prussia's team and Canada is our goalie" I explained.

"Who?" everyone else asked.

"Really?" I face palmed.

"W-why would you want me as goalie?" he asked quietly.

"I heard you're good at hockey." I stated.

"But this isn't hockey." he observed.

"But what do they have in common?" I asked.

He knitted his eyebrows before guessing: "Nets?"

"Exactly." I winked "Just replace hokey stick with your hands and also, this is great payback for Al and everyone else who doesn't see you."

Canada blinked twice before understanding what I meant. He gave an encouraging nod followed by an "Okay."

"Okay guys, let's kick ass." I said, ending the meeting.

"Like, lets get back to the game guys!" Poland said before stating "Aaaaaand, you can start!"

My legs sped up as they made contact with the ball. "Bonjour ma cheri" France said running behind me.

"Not today Frenchie!" I said before shouting "Feli!" and passing the ball to my right.

"Got it bella!" Italy chirped.

"You can't escape me!" England yelled after Italy.

"IT'S THE BRITS!" Italy wailed, running faster with the ball.

"Daaaaaaamn, he can run, like, totally fast!" I heard Poland comment through the microphone "I guess nothing's faster than an Italian running away from a Brit!"

Exactly I thought before running after Italy.

"What's wrong France? Ya sweating a lot, tired?" I taunted.

"Sexy people don't sweat-" he breathed "-ve perspire."

I rolled my eyes before pushing myself to go faster. "No way dude." America said, starting to block a panicked Italian.

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