Chapter 2

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(Eren's pov)

I quickly stand from the lunch table and throw away my barely eaten food. "I'm going to the bathroom," I tell them.

Eating makes me sick. Every time I eat I just feel the need to throw it all up. It's just my luck to run into Jean and his posse on my way to the bathroom.

Jean grabs the wrist that I had cut last night. I wince in pain and he throws me against a wall. I lean against the wall, head down. I homd my wrist. The moment I look up, he punches me square in the nose, leaving no chance for me react. He broke it.

Him and his friends laugh. I hold the bridge of my nose, kneeling on the ground. Jean kicks me in the side, making me to topple over and hold where he had just kicked. "Everyone hates you, why don't you just follow in your mother's footsteps and kill yourself?" Jean says as they walk away. He doesn't know how much I've thought about it. I'm going to do it one of these days.

I walk into a stall and sit down on the toilet. Tears flood down my face. I wait until I'm finished crying to throw up what little food I ate before leaving the stall.

I look around to see if anyone happens to be in the bathroom. I softly shake my head when I realize that no one ever goes into this bathroom. It's pretty much abandoned.

I kneel down into the ground for easier access to my backpack. I open the medium sized pocket and take out a small black box. I always keep a spare razor in a box in my backpack. Why? Because I'm desperate and normally, I cut after things like this happen with Jean.

I grab the razor from the box and set it on the edge of the sink. I turn on the faucet, water on warm, and pick up the razor. I run it under the water before pressing it against my skin. My wrist sits above the sink the sink. The crimson red blood trickles down my wrist into the sink. I let the water wash it down the drain.

I do about four or five cuts and feel that it satisfied my craving for the most part. I wash it and put it back in the box, shoving it in my backpack.

I quickly wrap my wrist back up to see that the blood had bled through the cloth. "Shit," I growl.

I put my jacket back on then walk back to the table. When the table comes in view I see that Levi, Mikasa, and Armin are still there. However, another person is there, holding Mikasa's hand.


I angrily limp my way up to the table. Mikasa sees me and quickly retreats her hand from Jean's, "Mikasa!? What the hell!?" I yell.

Jean stands and walks towards me. "I'm sorry, but your sister doesn't want anything to do with you anymore, faggot," he says, smirking.

I look over at Mikasa. She averts her eyes away from me, looking at Armin for help. I, too, follow her gaze and look at Armin. He looks down to his half empty tray of food. "Whatever, not like I needed you anyways. All you did was get mad at me," I say. I look away from her and into Levi's eyes.

I don't know why I looked at him. He wouldn't be able to do anything. He doesn't know what's happening. He has no background knowledge. He looks away from me and stares at the ground.

I scoff and angrily stomp away, not focused on the physical pain anymore. Mikasa does nothing but sit there and honestly, I'm not surprised. Deep down I always knew that she didn't care. I was always just a useless burden in her life.

I ditch my last classes to go to a hospital where I can get my nose fixed. I'm deep in thought before it suddenly hits me.

That's why Mikasa wasn't stopping the bullying. She was dating him the whole time. No wonder how they found out about my sexuality. No wonder how they found out about all my family problems.

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now