School Trip Part 3

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(Eren's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

I awake next to Levi with his head buried into the back of my neck. I try to move but Levi holds me tighter and pulls me back. "Don't leave. I'm still tired. Come back to sleep," He says tiredly.

"Well, maybe you should sleep more than 3 hours a night," I say.

"That's not up to me."

"Levi, it is. You can fight back with your insomnia. I'm here for you. You can always wake me if you can't sleep and I'll stay up with you. We're going through everything matter what."


"Of course."

"But why?"

"Because I love you." "Because we're together Levi. We're supposed to stick with each other through everything."

"Thank you, Eren. It means a lot."

"Anything for you, Levi." Levi slightly blushes at my comment, making him hide his face and stand up. "God you're adorable," I laugh.

"Shut up."

"Fine, let's go meet up with Armin for breakfast. Put on a shirt," I said as I was putting on my own shirt.

"What if I want to go without a shirt on?"

"Then all those girls will be over you and your sexy body."

He smirked, "So you think my body is sexy?"

My face goes a dark red, "W-well, th-that's- i-it's more like- I-" Levi chuckled then pecked me on the lips.

"You're also adorable. You're the greatest," He replies before putting on his shirt.

Levi and I join hands and make our way to breakfast. We reach the cabin and unlatch our hands. We walk in and are immediately hit with the smell of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and syrup.

Levi and I take a big whiff and chuckle at each other before spotting Armin. He stands and waves at us. We get our food and make our way to Armin at the table he's sitting at.

We see Jean, Reiner, and Bertholdt at the table, too. My heart instantly begins to quicken up its pace and my breathing starts to become heavier. The three smirk at me and I start to sweat and shake. "Eren? What's wrong?" Armin asks me.

"Oh, n-nothing. I'm okay," I reply, shakily sitting down with Levi to my right and Armin to my left, right across from Jean. He stares at me intensely with his piercing brown eyes. I avert my eyes away from him and look down at my food.

"What's wrong Gay Boy? Too afraid to sit with us?" Jean asks me teasingly with a smirk. I don't raise my head, but I nod it softly. "Aw~ Don't worry, we won't hurt you here."

I gulp but don't look up from my food. "Thanks," I mutter.

"You're very welcome."

The six of us sit at the table eating our breakfast. Levi and I are silent, but Armin, Bertholdt, Reiner, and Jean are all talking to each other as Levi and I hold hands under the table for reassurance. I squeeze his hand, telling him I want to go. "We're going to go out and explore. Thanks for inviting us Armin, and thank you three for entertaining us with your stupidity," Levi says as he stands up, our fingers no longer intertwined.

I chuckle. "Did you really have to say that?"

"Of course I did. They made you nervous," He smirks.

"Aw, well thank you. You're just as great as I am," I chuckled again.

When no one is in sight and we know that we aren't being watched, Levi and I link our hands together once again. Again, they fit perfectly, locking in place like a puzzle. We walk around the forest next to the lake. "Damn, look at all these big ass trees," Levi says as he looks up to them.

I chuckle. "Yeah, they're bigger to you, Shorty." He scoffs and lets go of my hand. "Wait no, Levi. I'm sorry," I reply as I reach for his hand and pulls away. I reach for his hand again but he pulls further away. "Levi!" I yell before tackling him.

He and I are in an awkward position, my taller body is towering over his smaller one. Both my hands are on the side of his face and my right knee is in between his legs and my left knee is on the outside of his right knee. Our faces are inches apart and his hands are on my chest just in case I fall on him. His eyes are shut tightly, also just in case I fall on him, but then he opens his eyes. He slightly blushes while my face is flustered red. I quickly get up. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen," I say.

"No, it was fine, I'm just not used to being on the bottom," He laughs. This is only the second time I've heard him laugh, but it still makes me happy. It still sends chills down my spine. It still makes me smile. "What?" Levi asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing, I just love it when you laugh."

"Oh," Was all he replies. He looks at me with a smirk.

"L-Levi, what are you-" I'm cut off by him tackling me and pinning me to the ground. We end up in the same position before, except now, Levi's lips were on mine, and I'm on the bottom. My eyes are wide open in shock, but they slowly make their way closed as I moan into the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands are around my back. "Levi, are you hands uncomfortable?"

"Only a little."

"Here," I pull him up, putting him in my lap, "You're so small," I giggle. He glares at me and stands. "Fuck, I'm sorry Levi, I couldn't help it," I laugh.

"Yeah, whatever," He rolls his eyes before walking back to where we came from.

"Levi? Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the lake. Come with me."

I roll my eyes. "You could've at least told me that before you stood up and walked away from me."

"Yeah, I could've."

I roll my eyes but laugh before running up to Levi and grabbing his hand. He looks down to it and slightly smirks before looking back up ahead of us. We reach the lake to notice that kids are already there.

The day today was just like the day yesterday. No bullying, no anger, everybody was happy, laughing, etc...up until the campfire later that night.

We are sitting at the campfire that the adults have made for us and we all cuddle next to others for warmth. It's me and Levi, Marco and Jean, Bertholdt and Reiner, Annie and Armin, Hanji and Erwin, and all the others cuddle up next to their friends. Miche is standing and on the lookout for any predators. We are all sitting in silence, staring at the fire. "We should play Truth or Dare!" Exclaims Hanji. (Yes, of course, it's you Hanji)

Everyone looks around to each other and reluctantly agree, not knowing what they're getting themselves into. Hanji puts a finger on her chin and looks around at the students. "Eren!" Just to my luck. "Truth or Dare!?"

"Dare," I reply. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy taking a dare from Hanji. She can't be that bad.

Boy, I'm so wrong.

(A/n: hahaha hi, I happened to get another part done, so here you go. It's a little shorter than the others, but it fits. You're welcome for double, and there may be a third chapter today, but don't keep your hopes up. Thank you.) (P.s., sorry for any unintentional mistakes)

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now