Chapter 3

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(Eren's pov)

Levi and I walk into the classroom part ways to our desks. Hanji sits at her desk in front of me, greeting me as I sit down. The bell rings and she waits a minute as more people wander in. "Hello class, we'll be doing a project that will be worth 75% of your grade," She says, standing after taking roll. My classmates groan, "Hey! It'll be a fun assignment that won't be associated with science!" She finishes.

The class glances around the room at others, hoping at least one person understands."Uhm excuse me, Hanji?" I ask, slowly raising my hand.

"Yes, Eren?"

"Why isn't it associated with science? This is a science class, is it not?"

"Excellent question!" She exclaims, smiling from ear to ear. "You will be working in partners. Yes, it's the middle of the school year and you guys know each other for the most part. However, I know you guys probably already know each other, so pick someone you have never talked to before! It's an experiment which is scientific! But it's not a scientific experiment!"

"Thank you, Hanji."

"Very well then!-"

"-What's the assignment about?" Levi interrupts.

"O-oh! It has to be about your partner's lives at home." I shudder at the thought of telling my partner, if I get one, that my dad is back. "...what they like to do, what they dislike, etc. Using the scientific method you have to make a hypothesis, make questions, ask those questions, experiment, etc."

"I see," Levi says quietly.

"Okay, very well then, and you guys can pick your partners."

I sit at my desk and put my head down, knowing no one would pick me. I'm a burden and a nuisance to this whole school. Everyone hates me. I don't matter to anyone.

I take a glance back at Levi without realizing I did before glancing back to my desk. When I turned around, I saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair walk up to him.

I lower my head again as she sits next to him, putting down her bag. I don't know whether this was jealousy or what. I look in the direction of where Jean sits. Jean and Mikasa are in a pair and Armin and Marco are in a pair.

As I look down at my desk, the chair in front of me gets pulled away and turned around. Someone dressed in all black sits in front of me. I look up to see none other than Levi himself. I quickly glance back down. I can feel him rolling his eyes at me.

I feel Levi's cold hand grab my chin between his pointer and thumb fingers. He guides my face upwards to meet my eyes with him.

It takes me a while to notice that mine and Levi's faces are only a couple inches apart. I can feel the warmth of his face against mine. My face flushed pink as I jerk back in surprise. "If someone walks up to you, you greet them," Levi says coldly.

"S-sorry," I stutter, still from shock.

"Tch, it's fine. Be my partner," he asks, but mainly making it sound like an order.

"N-no. It's fine. You can go with that strawberry-haired girl. I-It's okay," I stutter, turning my flushed face away from his.

"Hm? Jealous?"

My cheeks flush darker. "N-no! N-not at all. I-It's just that...I-If you're m-my partner...people might make fun of you and start bullying you."

"Tch, Shitty Brat, I don't care about either of those things."


"Plus, I want to get to know you better," He says emotionlessly, eyes slowly wandering over me.

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now