Chapter 9

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(Eren's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

I walk into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror for what seemed like 20 minutes. No wonder why Levi doesn't like me. I really don't have any good looks. I'm fat, my hair is matted, my eyes are dull, and the bags under my eyes are heavy. On top of that, I have a shit personality.

I grab the razor after finding it in the drawer. I put my arm over the sink and run the water. I press the razor lightly against my skin. 'What are you waiting for?'

"I don't know."

'Do it.'

"I can't."

'Why not?'

I think about it before answering. "Levi cares for me."

'No he doesn't.'

"Yes, he does."

'No, he doesn't.'

"Shut up."

I put the razor down after hearing a loud knock on the front door. I groggily walk my way down the stairs and to the front door. I open it, seeing Levi with Petra standing behind him, "What are you doing here?" I ask coldly.

"I'm taking you out," Levi replies.

"You can be with Petra tonight, that's okay. You guys can continue whatever you guys were doing."

"Eren, we were just hanging out.

"At 3:30 in the morning!? You guys were sleeping together!"


"No, Levi, stop. I needed you. I called you for a reason, yet you're just sleeping with Petra two days after you told me you had feelings for me! And to think I had actually believed you for a moment."

"Eren, it wasn't like that," Petra says.

"I don't want to hear from you!" I snap. "it's obvious the way you feel about him. I wouldn't be surprised if he felt the same way."

"And it's obvious the way I feel about you," Levi says as he pulls me into an embrace. I felt protected in Levi's arms. It felt so good. It felt so right, "Now, I'm taking you out on an adventure today and you're going to get to know Petra."

I looks over to Petra and she smiles a small smile.

I think about it. "Fine."

Levi smirks and grabs my hand. He tries to intertwine our fingers but I pull away. He looks at me with a worried look. I shrug it off and we keep walking.

(Third pov)

The three teens reach the park where Levi and Eren had confessed. Levi mentally smirks, but Eren stops walking. Levi stops, putting a hand on Eren's arm as Eren pulls away. "Eren?"

"Why'd you bring me here?" He asks Levi angrily.

"I...this is where we confessed."

"Yes it is. What about it? Why did you bring me here?" Eren demands an answer.

"What is up with you today!?"


"Yes, you! You've been acting weird ever since last...night...What happened last night!?"

Eren goes wide eyed and starts shaking. His breathing gets heavy and his heart starts pounding, "N-nothing," Eren says after long silence.

"That's bullshit! Tell me what happened, Eren."

"I can't. Not with her around."

Levi looks at Petra with a pleading look. She smiles and nods her head once, turning around and waking to the bench. "Spill," Levi demands.

Eren breaks into tiny sobs as he shakes, "I-I...I w-was...."

"Eren, you? You were what?"

"I-I....w-was... r-r-ra...ped...." Eren finally manages to get out.

Levi sits there wide eyed, unable to speak. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do. "By who?" he manages to ask.

Eren's silent.



Levi wears a confused look. "who's that?"

"He-He's's one of my d-dads friends that w-were over that n-night."

Levi's eyes widened when he remembers the guy that was sat on the couch when he arrived, "that bastard," Levi mutters and turns to storm off.

However, Eren grabs Levi's wrist, causing him to stop, "Levi, stop. We don't know where he is. We don't know where he lives. We can't link him to anything."

"You're right," Levi sighs, grabbing Eren's hand and playing with it. Eren let it happens. "You still need to tell me about your dad," Levi dad as he slips his hand up the side of Eren's shirt and lightly rubs the bruise.

Eren slightly winces, "It's okay. You don't need to know about it."

"Eren, I do. You've always needed to talk to someone, right?" Levi asks before Eren nodding his head. "Then talk to me. I'm here."

It's silent. "My dad...came back a couple days ago, as you already know. He left me and my mother, as I've already told you that, too. But...there's this thing I haven't told you about him," Eren paused , letting out a heavy sigh. He was finally going to tell someone about it, "Even before my mother died, he became a drug addict. But when news got to him about my mother, it got even worse. He drank alcohol until he passed out. He did drugs as much as he could. I didn't know that until he took me under his custody. This caused him to be angry all the time which he took out on me. He started abusing me, blaming me for my mother's death. If you think about it, I deserve it. I killed my mother."

"You told me your mother committed suicide."

"She did."

"Then how-"

"I drove my father away. And, my mother's last words to me, were, "This is your fault. You're worthless. Suffer.' Th-then sh-she pulled the trigger. These words have haunted me for eight years. I think about them everyday and I can't get them out of my head," Eren finally finishes on the verge of tears.

"Eren," Levi starts, pulling Eren into a hug, "you don't deserve this. You didn't kill your mother. It wasn't your fault. Please don't think that. You are worth something. Just because you aren't to someone else, doesn't mean you're worthless to me."


Levi pulls away from Eren and pulled his collar so their lips met, "I like you, Eren. Not Petra. You. You, and only you," Levi says as he pokes his chest.

Eren chuckled, kissing the top Levi's head, "Thank you. I know that now," and with that, Eren and Levi intertwine their fingers and go back to Petra.

(a/n: hahahahaha still gradually making my way to it. sorry this chapter is short and boring. the next chapter is going to consist of eren getting to know petra 😈 sooo yeah. vote if you enjoyed ig. thank you.)

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now