Chapter 32

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(Levi's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

It's been about a month or so since Eren moved back in with me and Kenny. We've gradually been getting closer and closer...but now I'm getting worried about him. The life in his eyes are still dull and now he's getting distant. We're not cuddling as much as we used to. We're not kissing as much as we used to. I miss the old Eren, but I think it's my fault he is the way he is.

Presently, Eren is downstairs on the couch and I am sitting in my bed. No, we didn't get in a fight, he's been sleeping on the couch ever since he moved back in. I don't know what's up with him, but I'm finally mustering up the courage to ask him about it.

I take a shower after getting out of bed. I put on a pair of pants and walk down the stairs while drying my hair with the towel. I'm not sure if he's awake, but I go to talk to him anyways.

When I get down the stairs, I see Eren sitting up and on his phone, looking through something on it. He looks up at me and blushes slightly and looks back down to his phone.

(Eren's pov)

It's been a month ever since I moved back in with Levi and we got back together. I should be happier than I am that Levi and I are back together, but I've been distancing myself. I don't want to get hurt any more than I have. I don't want Levi to leave me again, but sometimes I I doing the right thing?

Presently, I sit on the couch after waking up. I've been sleeping on the couch ever since I moved back in. I feel bad for not sleeping in the same bed as Levi, but I'm not so comfortable yet, I guess. I don't really know how to explain how I feel, so that's why I just don't try to explain it.

I hear the shower turn on upstairs and assume that Levi is awake since he takes a shower every morning when he wakes up. I turn on my phone and look through my photos of me and Levi. Most of these pictures are when I was happy.

I do notice, though, is that Levi isn't as happy as we all thought he was. If you look closely, you can see that some of the smirks he gives, are forced. Also, in his eyes, you can't see much life in them. Did I really not do that good of a job to make him happy?

I hear footsteps down the stairs so I looked up. I see Levi with black skinny jeans and a shirt slung across his shoulder as he dries his hair with a towel.

I blush slightly after seeing his 8 pack. The water slides slightly down his chest making it slightly sparkle in the light. There's some water running down his pink cheeks from the heat of the water. The tips of his nose os also slightly painted pink.

I quickly turn my head back down to my phone and swipe through a couple more pictures. I hear Levi's footsteps get closer so I turn my phone off.

He sits on the couch to my right. I slightly scoot away from him and he scoots closer. We do the same thing until I reach the arm of the couch and I can't scoot any further. "Eren," Levi says in an annoyed tone.

I blush slightly at how close we are and I don't respond to him. "Please, Eren...listen to me. I just want to talk," He says, putting a hand on my thigh and I shove it off.

"What is it?" I ask in a bored tone.

"I...I just want to know why you're being so distant to me lately. Ever since you moved back in we never cuddle and when we do, it's always a half-ass cuddle on your side. We've kissed like three times in the past month and they were both sloppy kisses. What is up with you, Eren?" I tense up at his words and I don't respond. " it my fault?"

"I wouldn't say that. I'm just afraid," I say softly and look into Levi's silver-blue eyes. His eyes aren't emotionless nor are they stoic. They are soft and full of worry and sadness.

"Afraid of what, Eren?"

"I'm afraid of getting hurt again. I'm afraid of you leaving me like you did before and it being my fault...but I was thinking about it this morning when I woke up and I thought to myself, 'Is this really the right thing to do? Is distancing myself really a way to not hurt myself? What if I'm hurting Levi?' I don't want to do that. You're my world and I wouldn't ever want to hurt you. Am I?" Levi averts his eyes away from me and blushes slightly. "I am...aren't I?" He nods his head slightly as my eyes fill with tears. "Oh my God, Levi. I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you," I finish, putting my hands on his face, forcing him to look at me. The tears that I kept in my eyes start to fall when I see Levi's teary eyes.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt me I was just afraid that I did something wrong. I was just as afraid as you are. It took me this long to confront you about it because I was afraid you would've left me if I did talk to you about it. I love you, so much," He replies with a genuine smile which makes my heart flutter. He wipes my tears with his thumbs after he puts his hands on my face as well.

"I know, Levi. I know. I love you, too. I don't want is to ever to break apart. We will have our ups and downs and or fights, but we'll get through this together. I promise you I will try my hardest to make you happy, to make you laugh, and to make you smile. I love you. Maybe a little too much sometimes," I laugh and Eren laughs with me before we connect our lips.

"I'm never leaving you," We say simultaneously.

(A/n: sooo I think I'm going to end this book here. If you guys think otherwise, then I'll make a second book about their lives when they're older.) (P.s., sorry for any unintentional mistakes.)

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now