Chapter 8

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(Eren's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

I walk into the bathroom once I get home. I strip myself of my clothing and stand in front of the mirror. I close my eyes and sigh softly before looking into it. I frown.

Who is this?

The bags under my eyes are gone and I have color back into my face. My hair is nicely slicked back and not a huge mess. I turn on the water and run a towel under it. I put it to my face and wipe half of the makeup, revealing a major difference.

Half my face was sickly pale compared to my natural tan skin tone and what it would look like if I actually took care of myself. My bags were heavy and dark. It looks like I shouldn't I shouldn't even be alive. I actually look like a walking corpse. 'Kill it. Kill it.'

I ignore it and wipe the rest of my face and stare at myself. This other me looks heartbroken and sad. My sight becomes blurry and once it cleared, I see the 9 year old me. The day my mom killed her self. He's crying. He looks stupid for crying. I want him to stop. He looks so sad and hurt. My heart breaks, looking at my poor little self. A couple days after that, was when this voice started haunting me. Was it because of my mother? Probably. I wish people cared for me the way I care for my younger self.

'Too bad no one was there for you. It's the same as now. No one is here for you now.'

"Shut up."

'You're pathetic. Pitying yourself, it's making me feel bad for you.'

I ignore it and stop staring in the mirror. I turn the bath water to warm and sit in the tub. I bring my knees to my chest so my feet can feel the warm water as it falls. It warms up my skin and I close my eyes.

The water fills my emptiness. Unfortunately, the hole was not full. I want that hole of emptiness to be filled. I need it to be filled. There's this part of my soul missing and I don't know what it is. I hate that empty hole in my soul. I hate being alive. I've trying to kill myself but that voice stopped me. Why? I don't- 'What's doesn't kill you...makes you wish you were dead.'

My eyes widen . I should've turned on my music. 'Well, I'm your music now.'

The bathtub fills and I close my eyes. I sigh, the warmth consuming my body, "Mmm..." I let out a partially satisfied sigh. I wasn't empty, but nor was I full.



I walk out of the bath, my ass sore from staying in too long. I dry off and slip on the same clothes I had on earlier. I decide to take a long nap.

~Many hours later~

When I wake up, it was from a pretty boring dream. I just stood in a black void as the voice talked to me. Couldn't they have put something unoriginal like putting me in a movie, or even in a cartoon? My dreams are boring.

I groan. and grab my phone, remembering that Levi had put his number in my phone earlier.

I dial the number and put it to my ear, yawning.

He took a moment to answer.

One ring.

Two rings..

Three rings...

Four rings....

Five rings.....

"What? Who is this!?" He yells through the phone. I hesitate. I panic. I freeze. "Who is this?!" He asks again, sounding really pissed off and annoyed. "E- Levi?~" I hang up. Was that...? It was. They could've just been hanging out. Yeah, that's all they were doing.

My heart is pounding out of my heat. My breathing is erratic. I put my hand against my heart and closed my eyes, letting out a sigh.

"Shit," I mutter before checking the time on my phone. 3:30 a.m.!? No wonder why he was so pissed.

My phone lights up and the tone starts going off. It's the same number. Fuck.

I answer hesitantly. "H-hello?"

"Look here, Dickwad, who are you? I don't give my number to anyone, so who the fuck are you!?"

I stay quiet.

"Oi, answer me!"

"S-sorry, I'll just-"



He's silent, "why are you calling me this late, brat?" He says, less irritated. That's a good sign...I think.

"S-sorry. I-I didn't mean to."

"You didn't mean to call me?"

"Not this late. I just woke up so..."

There's silence.

"Levi?~ What are you doing still up? Come back to bed.~"

I feel my heart break. It shattered into a million pieces right then and there. I swear I could hear it. I should've known. Goddamnit!

"S-sorry Levi. I-it seems as though y-you're busy. I-I'll l-let you and P-Petra be," I sit and play with my bed sheets.

"Oi, Eren wait-" I hang up.

I sit in the dark, crying. I hold my stomach as it twists in pain. It feels like everything inside my body is being squished. My heartbeat is erratic. I can barely breath. I feel my heart break into a million pieces. Everything hurts. 'Told you he would never like you.'

"But we slept in the same bed yesterday."

'To comfort you. Now, you know how we deal with this stuff.'

"Yeah. I know," I stand up off my bed, wiping my tears.

(A/N: sorry for really short chapter, and sorry it wasn't very interesting. Thank you for reading and I may post another chapter today. Depending on if I finish it on time. I love you all.)

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now