Chapter 1

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(Eren's pov)

I sit in the corner of my closet, encased in darkness. My head rests on my knees that are tightly hugged against my chest. I melodically fiddle with the razor with my fingers. I'm stuck between two choices.

I make up my mind, lightly pressing the razor against the skin of my wrist where other scars, burns, and cuts lay. I hear a knock on my door before I can apply more pressure. "Eren?" I hear my adoptive sister, Mikasa, say. Her voice is muffled through the door.

"Yes?" I ask, silently opening my closet and sitting on my bed.

"May I come in?"

I swear, she's like my mom sometimes; always wanting to check in on me and see what I'm doing even if I don't want her to. "Yeah."

She opens the door and walks in. I wipe my wet eyes. "Eren? Why don't you have your light on?"

"You know darkness helps me think."

"Eren, you think too much." She flicks on the lights and sits next to me on my bed. I stare at my lap. "Were you crying again?" she asks.

"No," I mumble, choking back tears.

"Eren," she says sternly, making me look up at her She stares into my bloodshot eyes. "What'd I say about lying to me?"

"I'm sorry, Kasa," I say. She looks over to my closet. I usually shut it when I leave it, but I forgot to close it all the way. She walks up to it and opens it. I abruptly stand. "You don't have to-" I try to say.

She looks down at my closet floor, leans over, and picks up the silver razor. "Eren...what'd Armin and I say about cutting? You'd promise us you'd stop," she says, concern filling her usually calm voice.

"Mikasa, you know how it's like for me. You're not at fault for your mother's death. You're not at fault for your father leaving. You know I get bullied at school, yet you do nothing about it," I say, my eyes tearing up again.

"It doesn't mean you can break a promise," she says angrily. She walks out of my room and shuts the door behind her. I hear her footsteps go down the stairs, later hearing the front door open and close.

I assume she's staying the night at Armin's. That's where she usually goes after we quarrel.

I walk over to my dresser and pull out a razor from the bottom of my drawer—which has a false bottom—and slowly shut it.

I sit down in my closet and slowly slice my wrists with the new razor. I feel a wave of relief and satisfaction come over me. I want to do more. I need to do more. But I cant. She won't let me.

I clean up the blood off the hardwood floor, climbing into bed after wrapping up my wrist. My eyes slowly make their way shut and I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I look over to my alarm lock. "6:30".

I sigh, getting up to get ready for school. I put on a shirt along with a jacket to hide my bandages.

When at school, I prepare myself for a terrible day before walking inside. Once inside, I'm greeted by Jean almost immediately, like he had been waiting for me.

He yells the slur "faggot" at me before shouldering me into a locker. Everyone knows i'm gayI hear him and his friends—except Marco,—and a few bystanders laugh and walk away.

I don't see him for the rest of the morning until first period. He's leaning against Marco's desk which is on the way to mine. While I walk past, he puts his foot out, tripping me. He laughs.

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now