2. Seriously, Jamie?!

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Alex's  POV

It was a regular Sunday afternoon, when Jamie, Matt, Nick and I hang out at Matt's place. We just finished band practise, so we decided to play some video games and Jamie was about to beat us again for the fifth time!?
"Jamie, what the hell?!" Nick yelled, he threw the controller at Jamie and disappeared to the kitchen.
"Take it, easy mate!" Matt chuckled.
It was quite amusing to see Nick that angry, he normally isn't that type of guy who gets pissed about a video game, but to lose at Mario Cart always hits him hard.
Jamie failed to hide his amusement and started to giggle like a five-year-old girl, which was ridiculously funny and soon Matt and I joined him.

"Ey, you wankers! Who's this?" Nick shouted from the kitchen. He was watching through the curtains, probably looking at something on the other side of the street.
I walked over to him, staring out the window. There was a big truck, loaded with furniture and boxes and some guys who unloaded all the stuff.

"Ey Matt, I guess you have new neighbours mate" I grinned at him.
Matt and Jamie got up and walked over to join Nick and me at the window. It must look quite strange to see 4 lads pressed against a tiny kitchen window, watching the new neighbours.
I chuckled to myself.

"Hey Boys! .... w-what the hell are you doing on my kitchen window?!" Matt's mum suddenly appeared in the doorframe, arms crossed. She raised an eyebrow as nobody answered her question.
"We.... we ... uhm" Matt struggled to find the right words.
"Nick just told us there's a- a squirrel outside and we wanted to see it!" Jamie gulped.
Seriously Jamie?! A squirrel ?... what kind of 18-year-old lads pressing themselves against a tiny kitchen window to see a freakin' squirrel?!

I sighed and Matt's mum watched us in disbelief "Oh, that's cute! I never imagined you guys to freak out about .. a squirrel, but maybe I was wrong" she chuckled and winked at us when she left the kitchen.

"Seriously Jamie?" We all started to laugh and Jamie's face went deep crimson.


The sky turned from light blue into deep purple when I left Matt's to walk back home.
I watched the clear sky when my gaze wandered off to a window on the second floor of the house on the other side of the street.

In the dim light, I saw a girl sitting in front of the window, watching her phone. The phone's screen lit up her face, she looked quite sad and I wondered why.

"Ey Alex! What are ya doing mate?" Matt yelled from the window.
I turned around, "I thought I saw a squirrel, Matty" I smirked at him. Matt brought into laughter, "alright, Al see ya tomorrow" he managed to wave at me and disappeared from the window.
I waved at him and started walking, without looking back to the window on the other side of the street.

Jenna's  POV

I kept staring at my phone even though there ain't any new messages.
A noise from outside made me lift my head up. There was a boy on the other side of the street, talking to some other guy who's poking his head out a tiny window.

The boy had short messy brown hair, wearing a black leather jacket and some ripped jeans. I couldn't see his face since he's just showing me his back.
I tried to have a look at the other guy on the window. He had short brown hair which was shorter on the sides than on the top of his head and a massive grin plastered on his face. I wondered what they're talking about.

Suddenly my phone's screen lit up and told me that I have a new message.
Clair, my best friend,  just texted me. She was massively sorry for not texting earlier and wanted to know what's going on here so far.
I decided to keep my reply short:
"It's REALLY boring here, miss you guys x" I texted back.
I shut my phone and looked up, just to see that the guy with the leather jacket was already gone.

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