30. Messages

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Alex's POV

I yawned and rubbed my tired eyes when I woke up to the bright sun, shining on my face this morning. I reached out to the other half of the bed, just to find it empty and cold. I opened my eyes, where's Jenna?
Flashbacks of last night running through my mind as I sat up, looking around the empty hotel room.
Jenna's stuff is still here, her duffel bag and clothes, but she definitely isn't.

When I got up, walking over to the bathroom, I noticed a little paper lying on the floor.
It was a handwritten note.

'I'm in the lobby, looking for breakfast

Well, that's weird, why didn't she just wait for me or woke me up, I really don't mind.
I walked into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and getting ready to go to the lobby.

I got out of our room and into the lift. When I arrived in the lobby, I saw Matt and Breana.

"Morning... ehm do ya know where Jen is?"
They mumbled a morning and stared at me like they'd seen a ghost.

"What's wrong? Did ya saw her, or not?"

"We Uhm.... yeah she.."
Matt shuttered, gazing at the floor. Breana shot him a look and continued.

"She snapped at us and walked over to the toilets, I have no idea what got her into the mood... did something happen between you two?"
Breana asked cautiously, looking at Matt for help.

"What?! No nothing happened between Jen and me... I'll go to the toilets"
I turned around and walked over to the toilets. I took a deep breath, looking around before I entered the girls' restrooms.

"Jenna? Are you here?"
I heard some sobbing coming from one of the cabins.


"What are you doing here Al?"
Her voice broke at the end, I know that's she's crying in there.

"I was looking for you and Matt and Brea-"
She cut me off before I could explain anything to her.

"Go away, please... I need some alone time"

"But what happened?"

"Nothing, Just leave me alone Al!"
There was something in her voice that hit me. She doesn't want to see me? Alright, I'll leave.

I opened the door, walking back to the others.

Jenna's  POV

I heard the door smashing, Alex was gone. He's probably tired of all my shit.
I couldn't help it, but continued to sob, staring at the screen of my phone.
I got a new message from that unknown number.

'You better break up with Turner, or I'll send these to everyone'

There were two photos of Dan and me kissing each other. Someone saw us that day.
But how can I break up with Al? I love him, he's everything for me, it'd break my heart into pieces!
I throw my fists against the cabin walls, when my phone's screen light up again, indicating that I've got a new message.

'I'll know it if you tell anyone about that, so don't you dare to try it!'

Tears streamed down my cheeks, what can I do?! I took some deep breaths, trying to calm myself down, I need to get out of that fucking cabin. I wiped away my tears and opened the door. I was alone, so I tried to fix my hair and face as good as possible. My eyes were still slightly red and puffy, but there's nothing I can do about that right now.
I walked out of the toilets and back to the lobby.


I turned around to see Alex leaning against to wall, next to the restrooms. I didn't see him there at first.

"I know you said that you need some time for yourself, but I'm worried about you, it feels like you're shutting me out again"

"I know Al... I'm sorry"

"Why did ya cry, huh?"

"I- I dunno, it just came over me"

"Jenna please!"
Alex begged he stood in front of me, hands on my shoulders.

"Stop Alexander!"
I pushed him away, running back to room 505.


A few hours later we all sat in the train back to Sheffield. Everyone was in a good mood except for Alex and me. He sat across from me, staring out of the window. I feel like a bitch, like one of those girls who just snap at their boyfriends for no reason, leaving them without any explanations. I blame those messages, everything would be fine without them! I also sorta blame Dan, for kissing me...

Soon we arrived at the station, I hugged everyone goodbye, except for Alex. He just waved at the guys and Breana and then quickly left.
I swallowed the pain and made my way home. Once I arrived, I was greeted by my parents. My mum told me that we'd order pizza for dinner, I forced a smile and excused myself to go upstairs to my room.
I unpack all my stuff whilst listening to some music.
Soon my mum called me for dinner, I pulled myself together and went downstairs.

"How was your trip sweetheart?"
My mum asked, watching me curiously.

"It was amazing mum! Good to be in London again... oh and the boys will get signed for that record deal, isn't that insane ?!"

"Wow, that's awesome! I'm sure you're proud of Alex, huh?"
My dad cheered.

"Sure dad! I couldn't be prouder of someone"

After dinner, I went back to my room. I changed into some comfy clothes, some sweatpants and one of Alex's shirts. I snatched it from his bag to have something of him when he isn't here.

I crawled into bed and checked my phone to set the alarm clock for tomorrow.
I gulped when I saw that I had another new message from the unknown number.

'Meet me at the school library, tomorrow after school'

I don't know if I wanna meet that person... maybe it's a good thing, maybe I can convince that person to delete the photos.
I sighed, shutting my phone.


Hello, you lot! I hope you still enjoy the story 💕 and thank you all so much for freakin' 2k reads! That's awesome!

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