35. January Blues

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~2 months later~

Jenna's  POV

It has been nearly two months since I talked to Alex last time, now it's January.
We still sit next to each other in English class, but we're never talking.
I can't help it but glance at Alex during our classes or even in the breaks, but he never looks over to me.
I haven't talked to my friends, who are also Alex's friends. I feel lonely, but deserve it, I'm the worst of all.

I miss everything about Alex, his beautiful eyes that burned into mine, ever so softly;  his soft pinkish lips and the sweet kisses; his warm body and the tender hugs; his breathtaking, boyish smile; his hair, his scent and his beautiful voice.
I still have the CD, he made for me, I listen to it at least twice a day, I can't help it but cry every time I hear the almost hidden message after the click sound.
My parents think I have depression.

The band became more and more popular, everyone in school knows about them.
After they got signed for that record deal, they disappeared more often from school.
I knew they probably have band practice or they drive to London, to record some demos and songs. I'm so happy for them and proud of course.


After biology class, I quickly made my way to my locker. I walked through the crowded corridor and finally reached it. A neon pink flyer hung down on it, I pulled it off and read,

'The Boardwalk presents Arctic Monkeys on Friday, January 20th.
Don't miss it!"

I stared at the flyer for a moment before I stuffed it into the pocket of my coat.
After putting the rest of my books back into my locker, I walked home.


The pink flyer landed on the floor when I took off my coat.
I picked it up and sat on my bed.
I'd love to see them perform again, it's been a long time since I last saw them...
But I can't go... no, what if Alex spots me in the crowd? I don't know if I could stand his gaze... What if Breana is there?... of course she will...
maybe I should go, I could wear a cap.. nobody would recognise me...

After minutes of thinking about, rather I should go or not, what felt like hours, I finally decided to go and see them perform.


It's Friday, January 20th. 8 pm and I'm waiting in front of The Boardwalk. I took a deep breath and climbed the few stairs to the entrance, walking inside.
The place was filled with people, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, drinking, dancing and so on.
I made my way through the crowd, to a spot at the right side of the large room, a couple feet away from the stage.
I pushed my cap a little over my eyes, fiddling with the sleeves of my shirt, whilst I waited for the guys to walk on stage.
I'm nervous.

Alex's  POV

We are backstage at The Boardwalk, Jamie and Nick play cards, while Matt is snogging Breana on the sofa. I try not to stare at them, but they annoy me.

"Hey, Al! You're alright?"
Jamie asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"I'm fine Jamie, don't worry"

"Do ya wanna join us? I know you've got the poker face Al"
Jamie grinned at me. He's definitely trying to cheer me up, it starts to get on my nerves.
Since the breakup with Jenna, the lads think I've changed. They told me that I need to move on, that I should stop to look like a depressed prick.
Well, I'm trying.

"Not today mate, we'll be on stage in a couple minutes"
I shrugged but gave him a smile.

"Alright mate"
He turned his attention back to the game.


We walked on stage, the crowd cheered. I waved at them and they cheered even more. It's a rare feeling that I cannot really describe when I step on stage. It's something between uncontrollable panic and pure joy.
I love it.

We started with the first song, a new one, The View From The Afternoon.
Everyone danced and screamed, whilst I gazed around the room. I don't know what I'm expecting, what if I spot her in the crowd? No probably not, she'd never come to one of our gigs...
I couldn't help it but continued to gaze around. I spotted a few girls from school, also some guys, they were enjoying themselves. My eyes flickered to the bar and over to the back of the room. I stopped when I saw a girl on the right side of the stage, hidden behind some guys. She's wearing a cap so I can't see her face. She's swaying to the beat, she seems to enjoy it.
But that isn't Jenna... she can't be.

I tried to concentrate on our gig, but from time to time, my thoughts drifted to Jenna, my eyes flickered to the girl.
Maybe I'm gonna try to get to her after the gig... she can't be Jenna, can she?


We ended it with I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, and walked off stage. Breana came over with some beer bottles, she handed one to each of us.
I took mine and rushed past her, out of the backstage room and into the crowd.
A few girls already waited on the door, they were asking for a photo, but I ignored them. I had a mission! I need to find the girl with the cap.
I gazed over to the bar, she isn't there. Blood rushes in my head, where is she?!
I turned around and walked towards the exit, I bumped into a few people but I don't care.
The doors slammed open, I blinked a few times. It's pretty dark outside and the street lamps aren't a big help, but I saw the girl. She's walking down the road.

She didn't stopped.

Against all my expectations she stopped, slowly turning around.

I took a few steps to her direction, she looked up and her gaze met mine for a few seconds.
I jogged towards her, but she turned around, sprinting away.

She kept running away, leaving me here in the middle of the streets.
My head hung low as I walked back inside.

Thank you all so much for reading this story! We reached 3K reads!! Omg!! That's amazing and totally unexpected, but I'm glad that you lot like the story♥️ can't wait to write the next chapter! Keep commenting and voting if you still enjoy the story! Xx

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