36. Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

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Jenna's POV

Arctic Monkeys' debut album, Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not, was released on 23rd. January 2006.
It's Monday, but I don't care, I skipped school to go to the local record store and grab my copy of the album.
I'm not the only one anyway, I recognised a few faces when I walked into the store.


Back at home, I listened to the album for the rest of the day. It's brilliant and I love it!
When 'You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights But You Were Staring Straight At Me' started playing, I remembered the day Alex played it for me the first time... he told me that he wrote it for me... and now it's on their album! Why did he put it on the album when we're not together anymore?
Does that mean he still has some feelings for me?

I'll never know...

A few days later, around dinner time, my dad called my mum and me to the living room.
I sat down on the big white, comfy sofa. Mum sat next to me in the wicker chair.
Dad stood in front of us, looking between my mum and me. The way he looked at us made me suspicious.

"Alright, family! I need to tell you something... some great news!"
The way he pronounces the word 'great' made me feel sick. I gulped

"My former employer, Mr Collins, made me an offer I cannot refuse... he told me that they have some trouble in London and they need me back there... I'll get a position in the management! Isn't that great news?! We'll move back to London!"

I looked at mum, she smiled widely and got up to hug dad. Is this reality ?! I mean she was the one who used to hate the city! And now?!

I just stared at them, still feeling sick.

"Oh Jenna, don't look at me like that sweetheart... I thought you always wanted to move back to London, huh?"
I said nothing.

"Is it because of that guy... Alex?"
Don't you dare to mention him, dad!
I closed my eyes.

"Jenna, you know that we're worried about you... I thought it would be good for you to move back-"
I got up, running upstairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me and fell back on my bed, sobbing heavily.


The last day I saw Alex Turner, was the day we moved back to London.
He came to visit Matt, I was outside, helping my parents to put all our belongings in the trunk of our car.

Alex stood on the other side of the street, staring at me.

"Jenna c'mon! Get it the car!"
My dad called slightly annoyed.

I gazed at Alex, he looked sad, a few strands of hair covered his eyes.
I bit my lower lip and waved at him. He hesitated for a second but then he waved back.

My dad yelled again.

I sighed and got in the car. Dad started the engine, I turned around to look out of the back window.
Alex was still there, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his black jeans.
I stared at him as long as possible, until he disappeared behind the houses.


I'm sorry this one is pretty short... and sad.
Hope you enjoyed it anyway!
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