29. Leave Before The Lights Come On

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Jenna's  POV

After two more hours of waiting, the boys finally came out of the studio. I immediately jumped up from the sofa and ran into Alex's arms.
He hugged me tightly, lifting me up from my feet and spinning around.
When he sat me back down on my feet, I noticed the beautiful boyish smile on his face, I'd kill for him when he looks at me like that.
Alex wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me with such passion, I just could lean into the kiss.

"By the expression on your face, I'd say it went pretty good, right?"

"Indeed! It was amazing Jenna! It was so much fun and they really seem to like us, I'm so glad!"
I'm so happy for them, I could see it in his eyes when he spoke, he's totally over the moon.

"I'm so happy for you!!! So you'll get signed, eh?"

"Uhm .. well, there were two other bands, but I'm pretty sure that they weren't as good as we were....anyway they'll give us a ring to inform us if we'll get signed or not"
He shrugged it off, but I knew that it was bothering him not to know if they'll get that deal.

"Don't worry about the other bands Al, you'll get that deal!"
He smiled at me and lay his arm around my shoulder.

We made our way outside the studio, following the others. The boys were pretty tired from their tiny session so decided to head back to the hotel.


Alex and I stayed in bed for the whole afternoon, we talked about the session at the studio and laughed about some nonsense.
I was totally relaxed 'till Alex phone buzzed suddenly. We looked at each other with wide eyes, when Al answered the phone.


"Oh hello, Mr Bell!"

There was a long break, Alex stared at me blankly, but then his jaw dropped.

"R-really?... thank you, Mr Bell! Thank you so much!"

"Yeah I will, I will definitely!"

"Alright, see you soon and thank you again!"

He hung up, staring at his phone.


"We get signed love!!"
He cheered, jumping up and down on the bed.
I joined him, my stomach already aches from all the laughing.

"I knew it, Al! I'm so proud of you"
I felt the tears forming in my eyes, they streamed down my cheeks.

"Oh Jen...you don't need to cry, love"
We sat down on the bed and I threw my arms around his neck.

"I'm just so happy... I can't help it"
He kissed the top of my head to comfort me.

We both stared at each other when there was a knock at the door.
Alex got up to answer it. Matt, Nick, Jamie and Breana stood in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Why are you two screaming?"
Matt asked with a serious expression on his face, he looked past Alex and his gaze met mine.

"And why the hell is she crying?!"
He pointed at me with wide eyes.

"Woah Matt! Calm down... she's just so happy, that's why she's crying"
Alex said with a chuckle.

"Alright, but what's going on here, we heard you through the fookin corridor!"

"Well, I got a call, from the label.... and WE'LL GET SIGNED FOR THAT FOOKIN RECORD DEAL!!!"
Alex screamed, jumping right into Matt's arms.
They needed a moment to process what Alex just said, but soon everyone screamed and jumped and hugged each other.

"We should celebrate that tonight!!"
Jamie said. We all agreed and they started to ask me about the clubs in London.
I know quite a few good locations to celebrate, so they let me choose one.
I decided that we'd go to Club 414 since it's a pretty nice venue.


It was quite early in the morning when Al and I stumbled out of the club, I haven't seen the others in a while so I thought it'd be a good idea to go back to the hotel.
We were both pretty pissed, Al had wrapped his right arm around my waist for support, I wasn't that safe on my own legs.
But we made it to the hotel and to our room. I closed the door behind us, joining Alex on the bed. He kicked off his shoes, I did the same. Alex tried to unbutton his shirt but miserably failed at the attempt. I giggled whilst sitting up to help him.

"I don't need ya 'help love.."
He slurred with his drunken, but still sexy voice.

"C'mon Al! you can't even unbutton your own shirt"
He just groaned so I continued with his shirt. I changed into some sweatpants and Alex's black v-neck, I just love the smell of it.
Alex struggled to find his clothes in the dark room, I got up, trying not to fall, and switched the light on.

"Damn it! Where are my pants?"

"You can stay like that Turner, I don't mind.."
I giggled, watching him.

"But it's cold Jenna!"

"Then join me in bed you twat, it's warm under the covers!"
Alex just shot me a look and crawled into bed. I quickly switched the lights off and joined him.
I wrapped my arms around his torso and closed my eyes when our legs tangled under the covers. I'm so tired, all I need is some sleep.



"Did ya...did ya mean what ya said before?"

"What exactly Al ?"

"Do you think I'm a twat?"
I opened my eyes, propping up on my right elbow.

"Nooo! Oh my god Al, of course, you're not! ... I just I dunno.. I didn't meant to say that, it just happened... and ya know we're both pissed.. so it doesn't count alright?"

"Oh okay.. sorry"

"No need to apologise Al"

Alex closed his eyes, I watched him for a moment before I fall asleep as well.

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