8. Would You Please Do Me A Favour?

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Jenna's POV

It was lunchtime and Breana and I sat on a table in the back of the cafeteria, eating some sandwiches.
Dan and Sarah excused themselves to go to the library.
I haven't seen Alex since I ran off yesterday and I couldn't help it but watch out for him.

"Okey Jenna, who you're looking for?" Breana eyed me curiously, taking another big bite of her sandwich.
Is it really that obvious? Ugh...

"No one! Why do you think so?" I shrugged. Breana raised her eyebrows and gave me a
'You-can't-kid-me-look', I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"I'm looking for Alex Turner okay? I'm just wondering where he is, I haven't seen him since yesterday"

Breana smirked at me "Sooo... You fancy Alex Turner, eh ?"
Now she's getting on my nerves...

"No, I don't fancy him! We're just friends and I want to talk to him again...."
My face went deep crimson and I noticed a few girls staring my way,
Ewww not Olivia and her gang again...

I quickly looked away and turned my attention to my shoes.
Breana noticed that something was wrong and turned around to see Olivia and the other girls still staring at us.
"Just ignore Olivia, okay? She's just a jealous bitch!"
I nodded and continued to eat my sandwich.
After a while, Breana continued,

"I really don't wanna be rude, but... I can't believe that you and Turner are friends! -she grabbed my wrist- "don't get me wrong but Turner is friends with no one except his mates Jamie, Nick and ... Matt, and I'm wondering why he's now friends with you... it's just... weird... You know?"
She paused and watched me, expecting a response. The way she pronounced Matt's name made me curious ... maybe she fancies him.. I guess I'll find out about that sometime soon.

"I don't know, Breana...yesterday he told me that we're friends, at least he used the word 'friends' a couple of times during our chat... I don't know if he's a ladies man, but he seems nice"
I shrugged again.

Breana just nodded and I continued to watch out for Alex, a bit less obvious this time.


My last class for today is English what means that I'll see Alex!
Maybe I got a bit too excited about seeing him again, I don't know what got into me.

When I entered the classroom, I noticed that Alex was already sitting in his usual place in the back of the room.
He wrote something into a tiny black notebook and I wondered what it was.
Probably just some homework I suppose...

I approached him and sat down. He immediately stopped writing and turned around, his hand covered the notebook so I couldn't see what he just wrote.

"Hey, Al! What are ya writing?"
He looked at the notebook and then back to me, his big chocolate brown eyes burned into mine and I got lost into them.
His cheeks turned slightly pink but then a cocky grin appeared on his face as he spoke,
"So you're calling me Al now, eh?"
Why am I not surprised that he didn't answer my question?

"You called me Jen, yesterday, remember that?"-I shrugged- "just my friends call me Jen"
Alex's brows furrowed and he now turned his whole body in my direction.

"But we're friends, aren't we...Jen?"

"Oh I'm not sure, are we...Al?"

We both started giggling and a few girls gave us some weird looks, but neither of us cared.

Mr Smith walked into the classroom, so everyone sat down and he starts the lesson.
We talked about poetry this time, I really enjoyed it and the time went by unexpectedly fast.

"Have a good afternoon everyone! See you on Monday!" Mr Smith smiled at us and we all started to pack our stuff together.

"Alex! Can we please talk.... now?"
An annoying voice, filled with anger asked,

Alex and I looked up to see that Olivia stood in front of our desk, hands on her hips.
I exchanged a look with Alex, he doesn't seem to be happy about her sudden appearance, neither was I.

"If we need to.."-Alex replies angrily. Then he added- "just give me a second and meet me at my locker, alright?"
Olivia nodded and walked off. I watched after her for a while before I got up, but Alex grabbed my hand.

"Jen, wait a sec!" -I sat down again, watching him with confusion- "listen, Jenna, would you please do me a favour and wait for me outside?" Alex was still holding my hand, looking at me with those puppy eyes. I just couldn't resist and nodded.

We got up and walked out of the room.

Alex's  POV

I quickly walked to my locker, Olivia was already waiting for me. She checked her phone, leaning against my locker, I approached her and she shut her phone.
I crossed my arms, ready to listen to whatever she wanted to discuss.

"What do ya want, Olivia? I thought I already made it clear to ya... we're not a couple anymore and I'm not your boyfriend or even friend, got it ?"
She rolled her eyes in annoyance and stepped a bit closer to me.
I suddenly felt uncomfortable, we're all alone in this empty corridor and being alone with Olivia Jones was the last thing I wanted right now.

"Alex... Al... I know that you still have a thing for me and I of course still have a thing for you"
I couldn't believe what I just heard.
What the fuck?! Is she on drugs or what?

"Are you high or summat? Because I can't believe what you just said, stop it all-..."
She just cuts me off mid-sentence.

"I wasn't done yet! And no I'm not high Al! I want you back and I know that you want it too, or do you think this new girl, Jenny, or whatever she's called, is the right one, eh? Look at her Al! She's nothing! You could do better!"

I was shocked, really shocked, about everything she just said and about her unacceptable behaviour, the way she talked about Jenna made me clench my fists.

"Her name is Jenna and she's really nice, nicer than you could ever be!!"  -I literally screamed at Olivia by now- "You're wrong, so damn wrong with everything you've just said... except for one thing... I really could do better, I mean it couldn't get worse than with you 'cause everyone is better than you!"

I turned around and walked off, leaving Olivia behind me.
Hopefully, she won't get on my nerves again...


Jenna waited for me outside, she smiled at me when she saw me walking towards her.

"Hey! You're okay, Alex? What did Olivia want?" Jenna asks.

"I'm fine, love.... let's talk about something else, I'm really not in the mood to talk about her"
Jenna nodded, but she doesn't seem to be happy with my reply.

"Ok Sure, but why should I wait for you then, huh?" Jenna raised an eyebrow, I chuckled.

"Well, you know Matt, Matt Helders, don't you?"

"Yeah I s'pose so, his house is just a few feet away from mine....why you're asking?"

"Matt is one of my mates, actually my best mate and I wanna go over to his place... aaand since I know that you two are neighbours I thought you'd do me that favour and we just might walk together"
I shrugged and smirked at her.

"Oh okay, sure, why not"
She gave me a cute smile and we started walking.

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