chapter eight

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"Are you sure you want to go to O'Khasis?" Taryn asks me. I feel as she tugs on my hair and continues to fix it up. A hat is placed on my head, and while she had done so, a feather brushed up against my cheek causing a giggle to slip from my lips. "O'Khasis can be worse than Meteli. I don't think that you've traveled much either."

"Don't be silly," I playfully scold. "I'll be fine. Besides, I've put up my own before."

She sighs, "I hope so. But please do remember to try not to start up fights and to be careful."

"We'll be fine Taryn, but thank you for your concerns."

Soon enough Taryn finished pinning the hat to my head, and I am soon escorted to the carriage that will take us to O'Khasis.

I sit across from Alex, and I can't help but notice how her attention will not focus on anything except the window.

"It'll be a long ride," she says, continuing to look out the window. "We could talk go pass the time if you'd like to. Once we arrive it shall be around dinner. We will eat with the Ro'meaves, and we will then be excused to do as pleased. We leave tomorrow after lunch."

"It appears you planned this all out," I comment.

"I did," Alex looks at me. "I wanted to know what was happening with O'Khasis, and why King Garte is being all so cruel as of dethroning his son."

The serious atmosphere startles me a bit, and can't help but to bite my lip as I twist my engagement ring around my finger.

What I would enjoy to know is the stance of who will be Leo's bride. He's proposed to different two women, and nothing as been decided on who shall marry who, and who will watch.

Although I fear for if I'm chosen to wed Leo, then I will only hurt both kingdoms of Scaleswind and Meteli. I'm not true royalty, and I'm only portraying as one. If a kingdom like O'Khasis were ought to find this out, and use it against both kingdoms, and this would be my fault for going along with with wedding.

However, if Alex marries him, then the only think O'Khasis could use against her is her love for Vylad (as well as her disappearance that lasted months on end). However, that modt likely wouldn't be leaked by O'Khasis considering Vylad's position and reputation amongst O'Khasis and other kingdoms.

With either marraige, peace between Scaleswind and Meteli is made.


"Ah, Princesses Alexandra and Y/N Zvahl. It's always a pleasure to see you again," King Garte says. He smiles as he bows his head at us. I watch as a few servants carries our bags off into the maze like hallways. "You arrived early. Dinner shall be within half an hour."

Alex curtsies, and I do the same. Like the crown, I'm deeply afraid of my hat falling off.

"As always King Garte, the pleasure is all mine," Alex says. "May I ask where the boys are currently?"

A servant begins to rush over to us, and she curtsies when she arrives.

"In their resting chambers I suppose. If not, they can't be too far away from then."

"Thank you," I say as we begin to follow the servant to our rooms.

I had been told in the carraige that King Garte will oftentimes be fake to others. I've seen a cold side of him once, the day I learned Vylad wasn't going to be looked for, but I haven't seen it since.

I thank the servants, and I quickly take off my hat before it falls off by itself. I begin wait for Alex outside of her room, and she comes out and smiles at me.

"Who would you like to see first? I was going to see Vylad sometime, but that can wait for later if you would like."

I think for a moment to recall what I've heard about the Ro'meave brothers.

"I haven't properly gotten to know Garroth yet," I say. "Could we see him?"

"Of course!" As if the palace was the simpliest place ever to find your way around, Alex flawlessly guides us through all the twist and turns of the hallways. "You know, I have a solution as of what we could to for marriage."

"And what's that?" I ask.

That was the most improperness I've ever heard her speak.

"We marry each other." I stop, and I stare at her shocked. Surely she mustn't be telling the truth. It must all be some kind of fib. She laugh. "You didn't think I was serious did you? Oh my goodness, you did! I was only joking! Anyway, the door in front of me presents to you Garroth's resting chambers."


The sound of silverware clanking against the glassware only adds onto the empty silence around the dinner table. King Garte sits at the head of the table, as expected, finally begins to speak up.

"Y/N," he says. I look up to see people turn their attention to me, and my eyes widen slightly for many reasons. Fear, shock, many other emotions for that matter. "How are you finding O'Khasis? I inquire you've never been to my kingdom."

"I fair it well," I say. "I would like to thank you for letting visit."

"Of course. And Alex, how is the engagement coming along? I had heard of Prince Leonardo's proposal to both you and Y/N. I assume that you'll be marrying him."

I bite my tounge. The scene from the closest reappears in my mind. "Why can't you marry him?" Alex cries out. I watch as the hat is thrown back to where it was before, and she begins to roam around her room. "I don't love him. You're engaged to him now, and you're apart of the family! It's not hard to see you have feelings for him. Besides. . . I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have, and I couldn't bear to marry someone else." There's no facts from either of us that we should know who we will be marrying. I mentally cuss as the small sly smile he has on his face.

I watch out of the corner of my eye of Vylad stiffing.

Alex bites her lip before replying, "As of the engagement, myself, nor Y/N, have been informed of any furture arrangements of the wedding for future King Leonardo of Scaleswind. Until then, we are best not to assume on who shall be marrying him."

Her words are thought out well, and my head begins to stir at the intentions of King Garte of hurting his own son.

He seems shocked, and I look up. "Maybe I be excused? I must powder my nose."

Queen Zianna smiles a beautiful smile. Her soft voice replies, "Of course dear. But don't take too long, alright?"

"Thank you," I mumble and bow my head at her before running off to where I am able to have peace to myself.

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