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"How does it feel?"
I'll tell you.

It's staying awake every night, staring up at your ceiling feeling nothing and everything at the same time, all while being completely, utterly exhausted, but not being able to sleep or even shut your eyes.

It's being surrounded by friends and family who love you and support you, but still feeling deathly alone, even if you have a significant other.

It's having an unlimited amount of things to get done, but never having the motivation to do them, so you sit there and feel sorry for yourself, but still that's not enough to get you to do them.

It's no longer finding joy in the things you used to love and the things you used to do; you can't do anything new or anything you used to do because nothing is enjoyable anymore, nothing is fun anymore, and nothing feels right anymore.

It's locking yourself in your room for hours or days on end, maybe even ignoring everyone, because you simply do not have the energy to do anything, say anything, feel anything.

It's everything and nothing all at once; it's a disease that eats you from the inside out; it's so obvious and so lucid, yet somehow it's completely invisible at the same time.

That's what depression is.

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