Devastating news

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"Honey. . The doctors told me that I have a tumor" she said as the tears slipped out of her sad brown eyes. I felt paralyzed for a while as I let the news sink in. Just a few days ago, my grandpa died from stomach cancer and now finding out that my mother has a tumor. It's pretty devastating news to take in within a number of days. Especially since my finals were coming up soon. As the weeks passed by, I could no longer concentrate on school and I had missed a couple of days of school going to doctor appointments with my mother. Since my mother cannot speak English she needs her "personal" interpreter to be present, her only daughter, which sadly is me.

As the weeks turned into months, I nearly lost my mind. How can one person cook, clean, work, and still go to school manage to stay alive? I wondered that myself. I guess you do turn into a stronger person when you hit the lowest point in your life. Obviously all of these common things can and still occurs to many teenagers being their parents caregiver and their kid at the same time. This changes your persona wherever you go or whatever you do in life. This definitely changes who you are, for the best or the worst. It's a difficult time but somehow you manage to get though it whether you want to or not. All I can really say is that this feels like that movie 'Freaky Friday' when you switch bodies with your mother. Although in this case it's more of switching roles with your mother, I became her mother and she became my child. Pretty freaky already huh?

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