The disgrateful one.

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"Where the hell are you?! Who the fuck are you with?! Your aunt called and said that she saw doing who knows what. Hurry up. I want you here by 6:30 pm. Okay?! You dumbass." Bleep. My mother hangs up on me. She's really pissed off. Shit I gotta get going.

I quickly got dressed and grabbed all my belongings.

"EJ.. Would you mind dropping me off at the hospital since you live nearby?"

"Sure. Let's go."

The whole car ride was extremely awkward. I would love to be a turtle and hide in my shell. I mean, after all I just lost my virginity to him. My first is done. Over with. I admit it's completely awkward. Definitely not like seen as in T.V. Expect that one movie 'The First Time'. Pretty relatable.

20 minutes later.

We arrived the hospital, where my mother was being treated at.

"Umm.. Thanks for the ride. I really appreciate everything you've done. Keep in touch?" I asked.

"Sure, text me if you need anything."

"Yea, I will. Bye" I said at last. I got out the car and head my way to the reception desk.

Recently, I became close to one of the receptionist, Cecilia. And she has offered me rides home and try to give me advices and her support. I enjoy her company. She's really nice to me. She told me that she sees me at school and waves at me but I never see her.

After I got a visitor pass, I walked to the elevators to the 5th floor for oncology. Most of the nurses that work there, know me. So there's no need for me to stop by and check in with them much as before.

"Hola ma.. I'm here."

"Finally you're here. What the hell took you so long? you said you were going to the gym and then coming here. Your aunt called me. She said that she saw you walking..." She kept on blabbering her mouth on and on.

"Mom, stop. You need to understand that I have school, work and I want to go to the gym. I want to take care of myself too!" I raised my voice a little.

"Well, you know what, I had to take care of my mother for four damn years. I took care of her until she died! AND YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF ME!!!"

"We are repeating your history again. I'm not like you mom! You don't understand that, that was in the past. Right now this is the present. You got to stop living in the past mom.." I replied angrily.

After about 20 minutes of her silent treatment. She finally stopped it. I noticed she has been more paranoid and stricter with me at home. For some reason both my parents, keep telling the world that I'm rebelling and what not. Just because I talk back at them and take care of myself does not make me a rebel. If I were a rebel I wouldn't be at the hospital every damn day and spend time with her. I look after her, I feed her, I interpret anything I can when she needs me and I'm the bad guy here. A rebel child, it's all bullshit. I have had enough of this. I need help for me. I should have taken therapy a long time ago. I will do that tomorrow. Get well informed and do my part.

"If you're going come here and argue with me every day then don't come at all. You can leave me alone. Go home, you ungrateful bitch" she said right before I left.

I hate our relationship now. I really do. We pushed ourself away from one another. I left the hospital campus and walked myself home. I decide to text EJ.

Me: Parents are seriously overrated.

EJ: I know. What happened?

Me: She kicked me out.

EJ: Really?

Me: Yea. I'm just gonna head home.

EJ: Okay.

30 minutes later.

I unlocked the door and locked myself in my room. I threw my keys at the wall. I started to throw things with anger. So I opened my closet, sat in the corner of it and close the doors. I went insane. I really lost insanity now. I spent hours weeping in my dark, pitch black closet.

*bleep bleep*

A new message from EJ.

EJ: Hey are you okay?

Me: Yea, can I ask you something?

EJ: Sure

Me: Do I annoy you? It seems to me that my present is unbearable for everyone I love.

EJ: What the fuck?! No! You're not.

Me: Really?

EJ: It's not you, it's them. Just think positive. Don't let them get to you.

Before I knew it, I had stopped crying and began to smile and laugh. EJ had made my day today. He's great. I love having him in my life at the moment. He's helped me get through my hardest moments. I guess that's what friends are for. But then again he's not just a friend. He's my friend with benefits. Whatever we had between us is working out.

*bleep bleep*

EJ: Want to do something? ;)

Damn, there goes that winky face again. I knew what it meant. Dirty talk.

Me: Like what?

EJ: Well something that might take your stress out?

Me: sex again? Man, I'm flattered but..

EJ: Oh, you want to fuck again? I'm down for it!

Me: Haha, no I'm sore. Really sore.

EJ: Aww. I can send you a nice picture that will cheer you up ;)

Me: Oh really?

EJ: Yes.

I wonder where he's heading to.


Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated anything. Family problems and many other things came up. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I will try to update more often. Love you guys. And have a wonderful time in the world my loves!


Denise 🐢

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