Spill the beans

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We drove to my school which really isn't so far from my apartment. Just around 15 or 20 minutes, we arrived. I made EJ drive to the 3rd parking lot at school so people won't see me. You see, my school has 3 parking lots, one for the teachers and staff and the other two for mostly students and extra. So the furthest away from anyone the better.

"So.. Thanks for the ride." I said trying to break the silence.

"Sure. No problem."

"Can I ask you... Why?"

"Why what?.."

"I thought that we were going to hook up? So why did you change your mind?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Oh.. Okay. We'll still keep in touch?"

"Yeah, for sure" he replied.

I got out the car and walked to Esther's house. Her place is nearby our school. And we agreed to meet up to hang out. Truth is, I didn't know what to do with EJ. I mean I would love to be with him all day or night but it's just completely absurd. And besides I didn't begin class until 10 am because of many SATs and other testing for most students. I saw Esther coming out of her place so I greeted her immediately.

"Hey, buttcheeks!!! I have loads to tell you girl!!!"

"Hey! So, what is it?"

"Well, I know you hate when I talk about EJ. And well should I tell you? Umm..."

"Urgh! Spill the beans! Now you have to tell me!" She demanded.

I can trust Esther with my life. And well we always tell each other EVERYTHING. (Well most things)

"So, look at my messages with EJ." I replied, giving her my phone to read off to.

15 minutes later.

"Eww. That pervert!!! I can't and really don't want to see or even imagine you doing those thing to him." Esther said with disgust.

Man, if only she knew what had happened last night. But I didn't dare tell her. It was too much and I need to clear my mind for now. I'm confused, angry, horny, disappointed, too many mixed emotions to sort out. I don't want to gross her out. Besides, Esther and everyone else I know says the same thing 'You're going to fall.. I don't want to see you get hurt.. He's just playing with you' but no one understands me. Or EJ. I want to believe that there's more to him than him being horny and thirsty. And I know there's more. He proved a little of it last night.

Most girls are told or might feel that doing certain things and feeling certain emotions and desires can not be spoken about. Well I want to do something about it. Not at the moment though. I've only spoken to one person about most of my naughty thoughts and feeling to one person that knew me too well for any kind of bullshit. And that's Esther. So I kind of spilled the beans that he came over.

"So nothing happened? I mean beside the fact that you were wearing the RECKLESS panties" she almost yelled laughing.

"Well yeah... But I.. I don't know.. I guess I wanted it to happened. You know.."

"You're going to get attached and I just don't want to see you hurt. You're my best friend and I will cut his penis off if he hurts you!" She replied with passion of hatred.

"I know but.. I don't know.. He's perfect you know, I mean like he's just a distraction and well if he wanted to just have sex then why didn't anything happened last night?"

"I don't know, maybe he doesn't want to get in trouble. But he's a jerk and an asshole."

"I guess so.." I replied with a sad smile. Because he wasn't such an ass, I mean he's a jerk and a pussy but not so much an ass. At least not to me.

For some reason, he was never rude to me when we were in the hospital together. He would always talk to everyone and be a jerk but.. Not to me. How strange can one be. Maybe it was just awkward because of our sexting. Could it be? Who knows. There's only one way to find out and I will find out.


Hey lovelys. I hope you guys like the the story so far. I'm brainstorming crazy ideas for this story. And trying to think outside the box to make this story plot more exciting and Un-boring. Hope all of you guys are having a great time y'all!! Love you & enjoy!


Denise 🐢

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