Growing apart to get closer?

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A few hours had passed by and I was still sexting with EJ. Yup. Sexting with photos of his thing.. Also known as his dick. I never thought that it would have gone this far. I wanted attention and he was willing to give it to me in a special way.

Weeks later...

Our special 'bond' went on about 6 weeks. I never thought that I had it in me. Sure you might think that I'm a slut because I lost my virginity to him and he wasn't even my boyfriend. But I never messed around with anyone else that wasn't EJ. I felt the need to respect myself with the last shred of dignity I still had.

Every drama that occurred at home with my family had calmed down a bit. Ever since I had had enough stress affecting me at school. Worrying, stressing and thinking 24/7 "is my mom okay? I wonder if she's safe" etc. Was too much. And my father wasn't helping much either. He would always tell me that I need to focus just on my mom and behave and be the perfect daughter. Did he forget that I'm a human too? That I matter? Or that I'm just a waste of space matter? After he would leave, I'd shred a tear thinking "I'm important too. I matter and you have forgotten about me."

One more month of school before the beginning of summer. It was a bit late but it's better late then never. I talked to my school counselor. She was nice and understanding. Mrs H had told me that she herself went through this position I was in too, a few years ago with her husband. After what seemed like forever talking with Mrs H. She gave me an application to fill out for a free therapy session with a hospice company or some sort. The place where I can talk and express myself while at the same time someone else knew exactly what to say and relate to as well.

Therapy really helped me. I was becoming a wise young lady doing so many things to keep her family together. Of course it wasn't exactly like that as I wish it were. In fact, I was rebelling according to my father. He didn't like the way I thought, felt or even accepted the change in me. He could no longer push me around and make me do as he'd say. I was becoming my own person.

I must admit. I have changed. I was no longer a naive child. I knew what I wanted and how I would get it. My only way of being a rebel for me was sexting EJ. Sure we could have fuck again and again. But there was no place nor time for that.

EJ and I used to be close. Not like Esther and I but the closest friendship I've had with a guy, yes. But as time flew by we both grew apart. EJ would unexpectedly open up to me and I thought we were closer but he became shady. Each day that passed by we outgrew each other. Until one day, what we had was gone. Our friendship faded away so sorrowfully like the love stories of Nicholas Sparks. It painfully died.

I spent a week being a nerve wreck and worried how my mother's surgery had gone. Thank god it went well. It was probably the worst week of my life. My birthday was on a Saturday and my mom wasn't able to be here with me to celebrate it with me. Then I realized how much I've taken my mother for granted.

On that same Saturday, all I did was work. At the hospital and with the elderly lady, Elva. At the hospital a few close friends gave me the best day I could ever have and ask for.

"Hey... buttcheeks!!!" Esther practically ran to me and hugged me to death.

"Haha, thanks for almost killing me here."

"Sure any day!" She replied.

"Hey Brandon! It's Denaa's birthday today."

"Oh really? Happy birthday Denaa, want a bite of my Danish bread? It's really good." Brandon offered me.

"Ha, umm no thanks. I'm good."

"Okay. You're missing out."

It got quite a little busy in our shift so almost all the girls left taking discharges or visitors in. I saw Brandon still eating his Danish bread. I signed in my time from a discharge I previously had done. So I sat next to him. And he turned to look at me. It was such an awkward moment. And suddenly he had a small orange flower in the palm of his hands.

"Here." He tried giving it to me. So he just put it on my head. Ha ha ha. (Now this doesn't feel so awkward as before. Good we're still cool then.)

"Geez thanks! Hahaha!" I smiled and he laughed a little.

Seriously what a strange moment. Later came Ana and Yanny.

"Happy birthday Pumpkin! Here I brought you an ice coffee. Enjoy!" Ana said as she hugged me.

An hour later, Yanny came with a small present bag.

"Happy birthday! I hope you like what I got you."

"Thank you Yanny! You didn't have too!" I replied happily as I stood up to hug her.

And before I knew it my shift at the hospital had ended. I really had lots of fun with the people I love being around with. I had an hour to eat and head my way to work with my dear Elva.

I checked out and starting heading towards the bus stop. Usually I put my headphones on and forget about the whole with music. I closed my eyes for about 10 seconds and already I bumped into something or someone.

I opened my eyes and saw him. Oh dear. I saw his beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes. I don't know this stranger but he smiled nonstop. He seemed to know me because right before my eyes could even blink. He kissed my cheeks and said "Happy Birthday Denaa." And he walked away with a huge smile on his face. As I did the same. Walked away smiling like a fool.

Oh that Saturday... Was filled with lots of mysteries. And I needed to know this he was. ASAP!


Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't been updating. Kinda have a lot to deal with at home and too much stress. I'll try to update as much as possible. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried giving you guys a plot twisted. But oh my gosh! I will do my best to make this fun and exciting! Have the best time you and don't let anyone bring you down. Love you guys


Denise 🐢

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