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I had been home for like 3 hours I was on snap I seen melo had posted him playing fortnite at home I was confused bc this nigga told me he had practice all the rest of the day so I got up and changed into something comfortable (above)

I got there I knocked and lavar opened the door there was a lot of noise coming from inside "heyyy Leilani wassup girl?" He smiled "Hi is melo here?" I asked smiling he let me in there was like 4 other guys 3 who looked just like lavar I'm guessing his brothers "y'all look who popped in when I was just talking bout her melo girlfriend" he said they all looked at me I just smiled and waved "hi I'm Leilani" I said "finally one of em is pretty" the dark bald guy laughed

I just stood there awkwardly lavar finally let me leave "it was nice meeting y'all" I waved and went upstairs I opened melo door and he was playing the game and some girl in a tank and shorts was just chilling laying on his bed she was mad pretty they hadn't noticed me tho I cleared my throat she seen me smiling melo looked at me confused getting up walking over to me "hey what you here for?" He asked leaning down to kiss me I stopped pushing him back a little

"Who tf is that?" I asked mad looking dead at her "relax it's my cousin jhay" he chuckled "yo cousin melo stop fucking playing wit me son" I said he really trying me rn "he ain't lying I'm fr his cousin that's it" she chuckled "nah ain't nobody cousin mad pretty like that melo word to my mother I'll fuck you up rn" I said "she really my cousin her dad downstairs" he said

I glared at him "why you tell me you had practice all day then?" I asked "we ended up getting off early I was gone text you but my phone died" he said "my nigga you got a charger" I chuckled "I left mine in don car I forgot to text you when I got it" he said I glared at him i mean it makes sense "you good now?" He asked laughing I shook my head he gave me a quick peck and went back to his game I sat next to her shaking her hand

"Leilani" I said "yeah I know this nigga don't shut up about you" she laughed "oh so y'all talk" I asked pretending to get mad again "LEILANI" melo warned "damn I was just playing relax" I laughed "you mad funny i like you I'm jhay" she smiled we talked for a while til I remembered my whole plan for even coming over here "aye dip pass me yo phone" I said "nah I need it" he said putting it in his pocket

"It'll be 2 seconds gimme it" i said "girl I'm surprised he even let you touch it" jhay laughed "no lani" he said sounding annoyed I was mad confused i ain't do nothing to annoy him I got up standing infront of his game jhay was slightly chuckling "why all the sudden I can't see yo phone?" I asked "yo what's wrong with you today" he said I rolled my eyes

"It's cool melo I see how it is" i said  getting my stuff together I hugged jhay goodbye melo went to hug me also I moved away and left I got a text right after me leaving his house

daddymelo❤️💍🤤- you seen my phone first period ain't you??
Lani- nope
daddymelo❤️💍🤤- stfu yes you did that's why you was just mad asf
Lani- don't know what your talking about
daddymelo❤️💍🤤- so this is what your gonna do really lani
Lani- I'm cool fr if you wanna be a hoe go head just tell me so I can leave
daddymelo❤️💍🤤- i ain't no hoe you know I love you
Lani- k and?? Love ain't ever stopped a nigga daddymelo❤️💍🤤- I'm not cheating Leilani
Lani- never said you was so bye
daddymelo❤️💍🤤- that's what your implying
Lani- I'm just saying all the sudden you stopped letting me see yo phone the day the bitch name pop up that says something
He left me on read I texted again
Lani- see what I mean u a bum nigga gets called out then don't wanna reply lmfao it's whateva honestly

I got home I wasn't even mad because I feel like I expected it I don't even know the whole story but I know how niggas work I'm just keeping my guard up and making sure me and mines is good because I don't need no nigga if he wanna play wit me and my feelings

I was on FaceTime wit liyah I was telling her what happened "you can't just be assuming lani his phone is his privacy" she said "Bitch I know but we always let each other use our phones it's never been an issue til her named popped up then all the sudden no you can't see my phone any person would be assuming some shit" I said she shook her head seeing where I'm coming from "I'm not even mad tho like if he wanna do that fine just lemme know" I said "you gotta trust him you know it's been a min since you been in a good relationship like this one" she said

"That's exactly why I'm keeping my guard up in this one imma just have to let it play out" i sighed I say goodnight and hung up finishing up some homework then going to sleep

A/N ion even know wtf to say fr this wasn't planned at all I was just typing whateva came to mind hope your enjoying like comment vote for ya girl bye:))))))

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