Chapter One

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"Mackenzie, honey, breakfast is ready. Your sister is already up." I stayed in bed but smiled at thought of Bri being my sister.

I happily throw my blankets off and skip into my closet.

Bri and I have lived with the Moreland's for about two weeks now. So far I've learned Steven is thirty two and Allison is thirty one, a little young for two teenage girls but whatever.

Today's Sunday, August third, meaning, tomorrow's mine and Bri's first day of high school. I picked out an outfit for tomorrow and set it on my dresser before I continued to look for an outfit for me today.

I decided on a pink Hollister tee shirt, high waisted black shorts, and I'll put on my black vans later. I brushed my hair before going downstairs for breakfast.

I was quickly greeted by Bri, "Good morning, Kenz."

"Morning, Bri Bri." I replied. "What did Allison make for breakfast?"

"Actually, Steven made it, and please, call me mom," I giggled at her.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you would call me dad," Steve laughed.

"Sorry, mom. What did dad make for breakfast?" I asked no one in particular.

My dad replied, "Oatmeal and peach yogurt."

I grimaced as I spoke, "What! Are you serious?"

"Yeah? What's wrong?" He questioned.

I replied, "You're kidding! You know I hate oatmeal and that I'm allergic to peach yogurt!"

A smile crept onto his freshly shaved face as he replied, "Well, it's a good thing I made breakfast burritos instead."

"Oh my God, I thought you weren't kidding at first!" I giggled.

He handed me my food and I began to eat.

"Quick! Pop quiz," Bri shouted. "Dad, what's mine and Kenzie's favorite color?" We do this all the time to get to know each other more.

"Ummm, Kenzie's is purple and yours is..... Yellow!" He guessed.

"Correct!" Bri glanced at me. "Kenz, go!"

"Um, mom, when's our birthdays?" I blurted.

"Brianna's is August thirteenth and Mackenzie's is...."

"Mom, you don't have to call us by our full names." Bri complained.

"Sorry, Hun." Mom apologized. "Mackenzie, Kenzie, have you even told us when your birthday is?"

"Yeah, Mack, I don't think you have." Bri laughed.

"Really? It's June fourth."

"Wait, you were in the orphanage around that time! You mean to tell me you had a birthday and we didn't celebrate?" Bri asked.

"Well, yeah, I guess, but I wasn't really fully in it at that time so I guess it slipped my mind."

"You forgot your birthday? Wow." Bri laughed.


"I thought you were still fourteen. Wait?....."

"I'm fifteen." I confirmed.

"Oh, I knew that."

"Okay, girls, enough of the pop quiz. Go upstairs and get ready. You two can agree on somewhere to go, since it's the last day of summer."

I glanced over to Bri, who was already staring back at me.

We both smiled before saying in unison, "Kennywood."

I used to love going to Kennywood with Maddie. We would go on every ride once then go on black widow for the rest of the day until we puked or the park was closing because it was our favorite ride. That was before Maddie let fame get to her head and screw everything up. It really wasn't her fault though. She was a great person.

Mom and dad smiled before dad said, "Alright. Hurry up! SkyRocket's the best!"

"No way! Black Widow is way better!" I argued.

"Nuh uh!-"

"Stop! Go get your shoes and stuff!" Mom grinned.

"Wait, can Logan come?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, sweetie." Mom smiled.


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