Chapter 58

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When Harry and Ron stepped through the front door of 12 Grimmauld Place, they thought they'd walked completely into the wrong house. The walls were a brilliant white, with deep burgundy trim. The entire air of the house felt new and fresh, as though they hadn't stepped inside but rather out into an open field. They turned their heads up in amazement following the completely redone staircase that spiraled gorgeously all the way to the top.

"I love magic..." Harry blinked dumbly before coming in a bit further. All the old dark and dirty carpet was gone, leaving behind refurbished wooden floors with area rugs that looked to have been just bought. The entire first floor looked like something out of a magazine, luxurious sophisticated, refined. The windows had been cleaned and repaired letting in loads of natural light making the entire space feel grander than it should, given its size.

This was the perfect place to bring Hermione home, it was the perfect place to start their future.


Snape knelt down in front of the chair his cousin always occupied. His brow furrowed deeply in concentration. He listened to the ticking of the clock on the wall behind him watching and waiting. It was when he counted the final tock, of his mental count-down that he finally raised his hands to remove the potion soaked towel he'd placed over his cousin's eyes. The red band of discolored flesh was gone, melted away by the healing power of his unmatched skills. He leaned in just a bit further setting the towel aside and waited with held breath for her to finally open her eyes.

Eyes, colored deep tigers eye stone, pierced right into his soul and for a moment—a brief alluring moment, he saw what she saw. There were no more questions, no more debate on the proper course of what to do. His reservations eliminated. With one, single, look.

"Go to her, Severus."

oO 1 Week Later Oo

"I don't think this is working Harry..." Ron was rubbing his temples trying to drown out the sound of the charm indicating that Hermione's emotional state was unstable. It had been going off nearly non-stop since the last visit from the healer assigned to replacing her memories had left. They'd come five times now, supposedly bringing her up to age ten, but they couldn't tell. She'd completely shut down to all of them two days in.

Ron had thought bathtime would have been the most stressful thing they'd have to endure, but Ginny had seen to that. It had been rather comical the first time Ginny had emerged wetter than Hermione, but now, things were just spiraling out of control. From day one, Hermione had had terrible night terrors, almost like clock-work one or all of them would wake to the sound of her cries.

"Ah, make it stop Harry...I can't think..."

Harry waved his wand to the soft chiming bell that echoed through the entire house, encasing it in a small bubble muffling the sound. They couldn't turn it off, or they would risk the Ministry reclaiming Hermione as a ward of the state. Though he too was starting to think there had to be better options. He sat down heavily in the kitchen chair rubbing his dark-rimmed eyes.

"We've got to think of something..." Harry rubbed his brow leaning heavily down on his elbow. He glanced over at the wall when the bell came to a stop inside his bubble. "She's more distressed now than when she was facing Voldemort..."

Heavy feet on the stairs raised their heads from the kitchen table and both of them pushed themselves to their feet. Their tired eyes matched Neville's as he made his way down with Hermione's frame wrapped in his arms. She held him like a child would have, an arm around his neck and her legs around his waist. One hand held the bear curled tight to her chest while a river of tears ran down her red face. She was only half dressed, still wearing her Pajamas pants with a red t-shirt. Neville held her with care but it was clear that it was difficult for his tired muscles.

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