Chapter 68

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"What should we do Harry?"

"We just...need to wait..." Harry rubbed his brow, they'd already checked Aberforth's where she had gone last time. He hadn't seen her. Fred and George had gone to the apartment to see if Ron was there but they hadn't come back with any news yet. Everyone else had stayed behind with different stages of worry on their brow. Mrs. Wealsey, Tonks, Neville and Luna were keeping Teddy busy with some of the balloons they'd blown up in the living room but he knew they were worried too.

"What if...somethings happened?"

"Like what?"

"Maybe...Snape revealed himself?"

"Why would he do that now?"

"I don't know, Harry but sitting around doing nothing is making me itchy." Ginny rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

"Mom?!" Fred came bursting through the front door with great urgency in his voice. "Harry!?"

Ginny and Harry glanced at the other with pale faces pushing themselves out of the kitchen where they'd gone to talk privately. Neville was the first to make it out of the living room with Teddy sleeping against his chest protected in his arms. The women who'd kept them company followed just as quickly behind with Molly coming through the doorway first.

"What's happened?"

"It's Ron, he's been hurt."

"What? Where is he?"

"The apartment. We couldn't get him to come with us...there was blood everywhere. George is still there now..."


"Don't know, she wasn't there."


Hermione sniffled softly gently folding the cloak down into the seat beside her. The inn was pleasantly warm and the weight of it was more than she could bear at present. The man at the bar had given her a small glance when he'd made his way out but otherwise, she hadn't been paid any attention. The couple that was sitting at one of the tables near the center of the room were still holding their quiet conversation, neither of which had given her another glance since she'd come in.

Reglan had been most kind. He'd informed her that she'd found her way to a very secret and very well hidden valley called Baile Prionnsa. That the wards she'd felt and gone through had been placed many years ago by those who had ruled over the land. Their name and subsequent history having been lost to most of the residents in the town save one. An elderly woman to whom he had told her to speak to if she found herself with more questions. He'd told her that the wards only became active at night and that she was very lucky to have had the charm with her. Saying that she would never have been able to even find the place without it.

"There we are, something nice and warm to fill your belly." Reglan smiled softly setting the plate down in front of Hermione.

"Thank you...I haven't got much money..." Hermione turned to look into the small bag at her hip when a small chuckle turned her head back to the man.

"Now don't you worry about that. We don't use money here anyway. A barter system works much better when you don't have much contact with the outside world. We grow our own food and keep to ourselves. Most of us have no need for it as we just share whatever we can spare and those who do travel out to sell their wares usually just bring back things we can't otherwise make here."

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