Chapter 89

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Severus and Hermione didn't dare to even breathe; their gaze locked down the dark seemingly endless hallway. The eyes at the end seemed capable of staring directly into their souls. Neither one knew how long they held the creatures gaze, only that it was the first to blink. When it did, it seemed to vanish silently in the darkness.

They stood still, waiting for its return. Nearly ten minutes passed before Hermione dared to take one step closer. A cold wind wrapped around her ankles when she came to the threshold, her fear turning to curiosity.

"It didn't seem aggressive..." She kept her voice just above a whisper, hoping her observation wouldn't be her last. She didn't dare turn her eyes away from where she'd last seen the creature but she did tilt her head when she felt Severus come beside her.

"I don't think that's the creature they've locked away...I think that's what's guarding it..."

"What do you think it is?"

"My guess...a Golden Phoenix." Severus took a slow step into the hallway, the darkness inside seemed unnatural.

"What? Impossible." Hermione took a step with him raising her wand and keeping her eyes sharp, "No one has seen a Golden Phoenix in centuries..."

"What year was this castle built?"

Hermione's eyes widened just a little, "Centuries ago... around 1020 AD...200 years before the last documented sighting of a Golden Phoenix..."

"An awfully large coincidence, wouldn't you say?"

"But why on earth would it be here?" Hermione stepped carefully over a large tree root, mindful not to remove her eyes from where she'd last seen the creature.

"A phoenix never dies. What better to guard your castle than a creature that cannot be killed by old age." Severus winced when his foot crunched down loudly on some vines. He turned his eyes down briefly to ensure they weren't dangerous before turning his head back up again.

"What would need guarding for an eternity?"

"I don't know but I don't think those wards fell on their own. I think they had help." Severus paused again when his next step fell on something hard, he turned the light of his wand down, narrowing his eyes at the dim shimmer that called back at him. Whatever it was, was trapped beneath a heavy vine that had grown its way through it. He ran his wand over the vine trusting Hermione to have his back while he inspected what he'd found. As the vine receded he narrowed his eyes more, reaching down in the decay to pull it free.

"Is that...?"

"It is, but it's not for a King..." Severus stood carefully holding the crown in his hand. The metal was tarnished, nearly black. He ran his thumb over one of the jewels wiping away dirt and grime. It was so small, he didn't even think it was meant for a Queen. His heart sunk lower when he handed it over to Hermione. Even in her hands, it was no bigger than that for a child, a young child.

Hermione turned the crown in the light of her wand, looking inside the rim. The fabric inlay had completely decayed but she could feel something engraved on the inside. She glanced once more down the hall before casting a small scourgify spell over the metal. As the band began to shine like new she was able to just barely make out the worn inscription.

"Prince...Princess?" She turned her light closer trying to cast shadows over what remained, "Sev, Sew? Sewan?" She shook her head slowly. The name didn't immediately register in her mind but she wasn't sure she'd even read what was written properly. The script was in ancient Theban, something she'd never taken the time to fully understand. Severus shook his head, turning back towards the end of the hall.

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