Chapter 85

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Harry struggled to keep up with Shacklebolt's long purposeful strides. Having been woken in the dead of night by a Auror summons, he was still trying to get his head around straight. All he knew was that they'd traveled very far and his stomach and head were starting to revolt. He glanced at Evelyn, the secretary for foreign affairs, who was walking in the small space between them.

"Where are we?" Harry kept his voice low as Shacklebolt stepped up to speak with a man beside a large door.

"Ministry of Magic, Australian Bereau." Evelyn whispered back with a small suppressed yawn.

Harry's heart jumped up into his throat for a moment, his sleep deprived brain skipping, "Why are we here?"

"It seems there has been an issue with one of our employees." Evelyn kept her voice low as well but it was clear that Shacklebolt had heard the both of them. He gave them a small look that told them to silence themselves before he pushed them through two large ornate doors.

The bull-pin was filled with light and people, though most of them had their heads turned and their mouths closed to the sound of a brutal tongue lashing that appeared to be coming from beyond the head office. Harry took in their faces briefly as he followed Shacklebolt towards the doors, a furious woman's voice coming to his ears.

"...Reckless behavior! This is now an international incident!"

There was a low sound of someone seemingly trying to defend their position but a loud thump that made everyone, including Harry, jump ever so slightly.

"You better hope they don't ask for your heads! At this point I'll hand deliver them myself!"

The door came open with a flourish and everyone around them suddenly found themselves busy. Shacklebolt didn't falter in his step as he approach a very irate, tall blond woman in a black suit. She let out a slow breath before forcing a smile onto her aged face, "Minister Shacklebolt, a pleasure. I do hope that we haven't caused you much inconvenience."

"Minister Knighten, no trouble at all." Kingsly took her offered hand giving it a firm shake before turning to introduce Harry and Evelyn, "I believe you've met Secretary Thromstom and this is Auror Potter."

"I do so apologize for circumstances, would you like anything? Coffee, tea?" Minister Knighten motioned for them to follow her back into the office from which she had come.

"I think it would be best if we discuss the matter at hand."

"Of course, of course. We can use this office. I'm sure you'd wish for a first hand report."

"Indeed." Shacklebolt ran his eyes over the two officers that looked well over chastised. The woman was holding her bandaged stomach while the man was trying to hide his blackened eye with the turn of his head. Their commanding officer stood just to the right of the desk that had been vacated to make room for the Minister.

Harry moved inside straightening up to the weight that seemed to be filling the room. His eyes moved from the two officer's to a bag that sat on the desk, its contents in evidence bags over the top. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Hermione's name badge sitting on the top, the lanyard that it was attached to turned brown from what he could only assume to be blood. He turned his head when the Ministers took their seats at opposite sides of the desk.

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