Chapter 91

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"What should we do Captain?"

"If this really is an obscurus we're going to need wands, and lots of them. I can put together my best force, but there is no telling what we will encounter."

"This place, it's not on any map."

"I suspect we shan't need one. This device will locate the dark magic," The Head of the Auror department, a gruff militaristic man, came towards his desk pulling out a white stone scrying pendulum. "Layout your most recent map."


"There you are..." Hermione smiled down at the palm-sized bird wrapped gently inside Severus' stolen and enlarged handkerchief. "We should give her a name."

"How do you know it's a she?" Severus looked down from where he was examining the stones holding the wards of the castle in place. He'd deciphered most, thanks to the runic writing beneath each set.

"All phoenix's are girls." Hermione grinned a little and very gently rubbed her finger over the bird's infant head eliciting a soft trill. A kind smile painted her face and she pulled her closer to her chest before wincing from the nasty jolt that Severus received from touching one of the stones. "I don't think you're going to be able to activate the wards that way..."

Hermione kept her smile hidden; he was such a stubborn man. Her only response was a gruff grumble before he moved further away and out of her immediate line of sight. She stifled a giggle when a deep curse echoed from the room but decided to keep her opinion to herself. Instead, she turned her eyes to the orbs that appeared to be working in harmony now that the third had been replaced. The violent twisting winds that had previously filled the glass was now a calm almost hypnotic swirl.

She glanced through the doorway before taking a small step closer. Severus had warned her not to touch or go near them, but she had to know to whom they belonged. Another glance steeled her nerves and she was able to brush away the ash obscuring the other placard. She tilted her head just a little, "Selvaya, Daughter of Algurth II."

Hermione inhaled sharply when she recognized the name on the crown. It was obvious now that it was written in Runes instead of Theban. A deep sadness fell onto her heart when she turned her eyes towards the orb. Obscurus were made from children—abused or tormented children. The crown they'd found in the entrance way hadn't been an accident.

"You are correct, Lionheart."

Hermione nearly jumped all the way to the ceiling when a soft, kind voice appeared from just around her shoulder. She nearly stumbled directly into the orbs before correcting herself at the last minute to fall hard on her arse right at the base of the stairs hitting the stone that was set to seal the wall. She heard Severus' startled cry before the door sealed him inside, her eyes, however, were locked on the ghostly form smiling down at her from where she'd just stood.

"Wh-ho-are you?" Hermione swallowed her heart back into her chest trying to keep herself from having a coronary at the tender age of 20.

"I am, a Mother."

Hermione swallowed again, tilting her head back slightly when Severus' muffled call came through the door.

"You should release him, I am sure the both of you have many questions." She smiled softly lightly running her ghostly hand over the metal surrounding Slevaya's orb causing it to glow a soft white.

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