Chapter 76

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"Merry Christmas."


Hermione smiled from her place on Severus' chest, her voice whispered so that it wouldn't break the haze of morning too abruptly. They'd returned home after Hermione had inadvertently drunk some of the twins spiked punch and well after she'd landed her own. Mrs. Weasley had been beside herself with anger at her son for breaking her trust and coming to the party. He had been sent back to the ward immediately, unable to even spend Christmas day with his family. Ginny had captured her long enough to try and get the full story about her relationship with Severus but Hermione had only told her that it was something the both of them were exploring. Nonetheless Ginny had been exceptionally giggly about the entire affair.

All in all, it hadn't been a bad night. Severus had put bruise salve on her hand when they'd returned home as her hand was, at that time, becoming stiffer; it hadn't been broken thankfully but Ron's skull was as thick as they all believed it to be. They'd gone to bed shortly after, quickly divesting themselves of their clothes for their pajamas before climbing into bed merely enjoy the others company.

Now it was Christmas morn, a day for love and family. Hermione had no other plans than to spend it with Severus, preferably with as much skin contact as possible. She shifted a bit more lowering her head down to kiss her way up from his sternum to his lips. The action rewarded her with a sleepy groan that made her blush.

"What're you doing?" His words were mumbled, so unlike his normal punctuated tone and he raised a brow then his head, opening his eyes just enough to see the top of her head.

"Saying good morning." Hermione grinned placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"In what language?" His words came out in a heavy exhale but his lips did curl a bit and his hand did come up to rub her back.

"Love." Hermione hadn't hesitated for a second, but her brain did finally catch up with her mouth a few heartbeats later. When it did she found herself frozen in place looking into the dark mysterious eyes that had fully opened.

Severus' brain sparked like oxygen being quickly added to a fire and he found himself reaching down to push himself up into a seated position. Hermione pulled back to allow him to move, coming to rest on her knees beside him. She looked just as apprehensive as he felt and he wasn't sure which way to possibly go. No one had ever used that word in any capacity in his presence before, not the way it had come from her lips.

Hermione felt her entire body growing warmer and warmer, she wanted to say it, she needed to say it but the fear in his eyes stayed her tongue. She too didn't know the proper course to take either. She had said it genuinely with all her heart. She did love him but the fear of his rejection worried her. She knew what kind of man he was, what he had been through. She didn't expect lavishing adoration, she didn't want that, didn't need that, but she did need to know if he felt the same, even just a little bit.

Severus' brow furrowed as he tried to sort through her mental monologue and what was his own. Deep down, he too feared what she was feeling now. The fear that what they were doing wasn't going to last, that it was just a small reprieve in an otherwise depressing existence. "Love..."

"Yes..." Hermione licked her bottom lip slowly and she reached out placing her palm flat over his heart, so many emotions flash through his eyes. She had to be brave, it was in her nature, "I-."

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